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Well I'm not the only nut who has put it together (More esoteric masonic symbolism for 9/11)

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posted on May, 4 2007 @ 03:54 PM

Originally posted by blue73
Why should I give examples...

I have nothing to prove?.....

It's You that "needs" proof not me.

I already know that almost everything Bush and Blair say is pants!

You declared "I'm pretty sure if you were to give me a series of events in human history I could come up with some form of art or symbolism that would make most teenagers go "Whoo, Weird let's get it on the net"".

It is reasonable to ask for examples, but it seems clear now that you can't come up with any art or symbolism that would make teenagers got Whoo!!!

And why did you write that nonsense that I have to prove anything to you, it was you who declared what you could do, it is one thing to say it, it is quite another matter to actually be able to do it.

If you think that it is enough for you to make a statement that you can link art and symbolism to a series of events in human history, but then refuse to do it, it appears as though you are not capable of doing what you claimed you could.

You don't have to prove anything to me, I just simply assumed you were to post some interesting art and symbolism that would lend weight to your arguements, but now it seems clear you can't.

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 06:13 PM

Originally posted by golddragnet

Originally posted by blue73
Why should I give examples...

I have nothing to prove?.....

It's You that "needs" proof not me.

I already know that almost everything Bush and Blair say is pants!

You declared "I'm pretty sure if you were to give me a series of events in human history I could come up with some form of art or symbolism that would make most teenagers go "Whoo, Weird let's get it on the net"".

It is reasonable to ask for examples, but it seems clear now that you can't come up with any art or symbolism that would make teenagers got Whoo!!!

And why did you write that nonsense that I have to prove anything to you, it was you who declared what you could do, it is one thing to say it, it is quite another matter to actually be able to do it.

If you think that it is enough for you to make a statement that you can link art and symbolism to a series of events in human history, but then refuse to do it, it appears as though you are not capable of doing what you claimed you could.

You don't have to prove anything to me, I just simply assumed you were to post some interesting art and symbolism that would lend weight to your arguements, but now it seems clear you can't.

Oh come on. I had no intention what so ever to produce a port-folio of odd and or strange events in history and "compare" them to artwork or historical symbolism that seems strange.

Over the many Years I've bin alive, all 33 of them, I have never once been surprised bye what Humans can do to one-another.

Mind You I'm constantly surprised bye the amount of bull# and bollocks typed or spoken regarding some of Humanities more regretable events.

If WE honestly believe that the Planet needs change, then why the hell are WE arguing over issues that have already happened?

If we need to change then pondering on the past is nothing more than harmful. We need to address what is happening now, not what "might" have happened two thousand years ago to the Son of a sheperd.

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 06:44 PM

Son of a sheperd.

LOL. I think thats son of a carpenter. More or less its far more likely the line of David would have been incredibly wealthy though, and the translation from "carpenter" would really have been a master of the trade, making his father an aristocrat in Judea society.

How ever studying history is one of the best ways to ensure we do not repeat the same crimes over and over again.. while the same events are not repeated, the same principle evils are, usually using nearly the same methods.. but no one wants to read history, and actually try and understand history..

Aside from all of that, you are correct in humanities evil..

Why does the Human race need a satanic order to guide it through society? No, Humans alone contain the ability to produce evil that I am sure would make even the crudest demon sick to the stomach, and produce more good will and virtue to make an angel cry, and most likely it would come from the same person.

The power of the human mind and the incomprehensible evils it can come up with should not be forsaken, and the power of an ignorance mass filled with rage, blind hate and bigotry, desperate for change should be feared above all else.. because when it comes down to it, it will not be one man in the oval office who could bring this country to its knees. A raging ignorant populace would be far more adept to doing such a thing, with mob mentality and poor far sight the damages that could be done are tremendous and far reaching.

Fearing a society of men who primarily meet to pay their bills is almost laughable if it was not sometimes sad, in the scope of things there are far better horrors for you to cower from.

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 07:07 PM

Originally posted by Rockpuck

Son of a sheperd.

LOL. I think thats son of a carpenter. More or less its far more likely the line of David would have been incredibly wealthy though, and the translation from "carpenter" would really have been a master of the trade, making his father an aristocrat in Judea society.

How ever studying history is one of the best ways to ensure we do not repeat the same crimes over and over again.. while the same events are not repeated, the same principle evils are, usually using nearly the same methods.. but no one wants to read history, and actually try and understand history..

Aside from all of that, you are correct in humanities evil..

Why does the Human race need a satanic order to guide it through society? No, Humans alone contain the ability to produce evil that I am sure would make even the crudest demon sick to the stomach, and produce more good will and virtue to make an angel cry, and most likely it would come from the same person.

The power of the human mind and the incomprehensible evils it can come up with should not be forsaken, and the power of an ignorance mass filled with rage, blind hate and bigotry, desperate for change should be feared above all else.. because when it comes down to it, it will not be one man in the oval office who could bring this country to its knees. A raging ignorant populace would be far more adept to doing such a thing, with mob mentality and poor far sight the damages that could be done are tremendous and far reaching.

Fearing a society of men who primarily meet to pay their bills is almost laughable if it was not sometimes sad, in the scope of things there are far better horrors for you to cower from.

It was meant as, I dare say a joke....Jesus the Son of a Sheperd...Plah..

Unheard of....LOL A carpenter is much better..

I mean how could his Father possibly show His face around the Yatching club if His son was nothing more than a sheperd..Bloody pauper!!

Joking aside I think if stereo typing, racism and all other kinds of nasties were told to go away. Would it make life any better?

No it would'nt at all.

The fact that WE take our history and or future so seriously is crazy.

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 07:45 PM

Originally posted by blue73
I had no intention what so ever to produce a port-folio of odd and or strange events in history and "compare" them to artwork or historical symbolism that seems strange.

That was obvious from the beginning, because all you said was anyone can do that, when we know that not everyone can do that. Everyone has a different gift and whatever gift they are given should be fully utilized as that individual sees fit.

We need to address what is happening now, not what "might" have happened two thousand years ago to the Son of a sheperd.

In order to move forward into the future we must first understand our past, otherwise we are doomed to make the same mistakes.

[edit on 4-5-2007 by In nothing we trust]

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 07:58 PM

Originally posted by In nothing we trust

Originally posted by blue73
I had no intention what so ever to produce a port-folio of odd and or strange events in history and "compare" them to artwork or historical symbolism that seems strange.

That was obvious from the beginning, because all you said was anyone can do that, when we know that not everyone can do that. Everyone has a different gift and whatever gift they are given should be fully utilized as that individual sees fit.

We need to address what is happening now, not what "might" have happened two thousand years ago to the Son of a sheperd.

In order to move forward into the future we must first understand our past, otherwise we are doomed to make the same mistakes.

[edit on 4-5-2007 by In nothing we trust]

Okay. Fair enough. I agree that we need to learn from our mistakes. I get that.

But by using our past to determain our future, are we not just recreating the same problems?

And by doing so could we not be doing it all again?

Everything we apparently stand for nowadays could be just swept away.

And For what...The same problems all over again.

[edit on 4-5-2007 by blue73]

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 08:17 PM

Originally posted by blue73
I agree that we need to learn from our mistakes. I get that.

But by using our past to determain our future, are we not just recreating the same problems?

And by doing so could we not be doing it all again?

Ok I understand this.

In order for humanity to move forward there must be two equal forces that are diametically opposed to eachother, but in agreement with eachother.

The first has come to grips with the past, accepts it, and attempts to abide by the lessons of the past.

The second believes that the past holds no relevance towards the future and will attempt to change the future based on whatever is believed to be true at that particular point in time.

One cannot move forward without the change that creativity creates, instead dooming itself to living in the past without creating a future.

The other cannot create the future, and learn from the past, without a rock (anchor) to return to, thus recreating the same mistakes of the past.

Catch 22

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 08:34 PM

Originally posted by In nothing we trust

Originally posted by blue73
I agree that we need to learn from our mistakes. I get that.

But by using our past to determain our future, are we not just recreating the same problems?

And by doing so could we not be doing it all again?

Ok I understand this.

In order for humanity to move forward there must be two equal forces that are diametically opposed to eachother, but in agreement with eachother.

The first has come to grips with the past, accepts it, and attempts to abide by the lessons of the past.

The second believes that the past holds no relevance towards the future and will attempt to change the future based on whatever is believed to be true at that particular point in time.

One cannot move forward without the change that creativity creates, instead dooming itself to living in the past without creating a future.

The other cannot create the future, and learn from the past, without a rock (anchor) to return to, thus recreating the same mistakes of the past.

Catch 22

I don't have nor the ability to create, write or speak like You have. So I apologise if I have come over as a moron. Sorry for that.

I do still stand bye the notion that WE do have a lot more to learn about one-another than WE have reason to kill one-another.

But what You say, in fact most of the Planet should be allowed to read some of our posts...

There seems to be more said here of importance than any House Of Parliament...

Anyways..We need to listen more and shoot less..

posted on Sep, 8 2008 @ 01:51 AM
Edited old post to add in the picture of the fema manual which had fallen out.

Originally posted by In nothing we trust
Coptic church with two towers

Masonic hall with pillars in front of black and white checkerboard floor

CIA HQ - Black and white checkered floor in Langley, VA.

Black shroud with white backing covering the masonry Ka'bah in Mecca with two towers in the background.

Egyptian KA (Pharaoh) - statue of Auibre Hor 13th Dynasty

It is given by raising both hands toward heaven, with each arm forming the angle of a square, or a 90 degree angle. The arms are then lowered in three distinct motions to the sides. In other words, ending with both arms in the natural downward position, such as when one is standing at.

Isis standing between the pillars

Isis between the pillars. Dark pillar on the left.

1997 FEMA terrorism manual. Dark pillar on the right.

[edit on 8-9-2008 by In nothing we trust]

posted on Sep, 15 2008 @ 04:15 AM
Double post - sorry I was posting in this thread

Masonic connection to 9/11 - Federal reserve / world bank

[edit on 15-9-2008 by In nothing we trust]

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