This is a great link to review the biggest non-news and real news of 2003. The stories are reviewed at the link.
The last one is a truism. Isn't it?
2003 Media Follies!
Annual survey of the year's most overhyped and underreported stories
This is the eighth year that I�ve looked at the most overhyped and under- reported stories of the year. I began compiling the list in 1996 with the
perception that the U.S. public, instead of getting the information it needed to make informed decisions in a democracy, was being distracted with an
endless barrage of feel-good trivia and official spin.
Most Overrated Stories of the Year
Saving Jessica Lynch
Arnold Schwarzenegger runs for governor
Michael Jackson and Kobe Bryant
The economic recovery
The Year's Most Important Underreported Stories
The Bush tax cuts have flopped
Corporate corruption continues to run amok
Health care in America is in crisis
The Taliban is making a comeback
The peace movement was right -- and still is -- about Iraq
The catastrophe that has been the U.S. administration of Iraq
Privatization and corporate looting of Iraq
Israel�s apartheid wall
Africa, Africa, Africa
The collapse of the Washington consensus
Bush v. Constitution There have been no, repeat, no publicly revealed terror attacks foiled on U.S. soil since 9/11 -- only the trumped-up cases of a
few homegrown Muslim fantasy warriors.
The U.S. remains the biggest terrorist nation in the world