posted on Feb, 20 2009 @ 03:53 PM
Good day,
Thanks for posting the link to the video. It made me want to get up and go to the range. For a moment I even thought I had a scent of cordite.
I have two points I would like to raise about the weapon.
1. This looks like a really fun weapon to have on the range. For anyone who has never fired a weapon that is fully automatic this would be a fantastic
experience to realize how much weapons do climb and how inaccurate full auto is. I can't see any real purpose for this weapon outside of a range day
for a civilian.
2. I can see the advantages in having this weapon for a close protection services. It's compact and has a high rate of fire. If the weapon is used by
a properly trained person short bursts can be very effective at suppression. Imo it would be used to push back a crowd or a to force the attacking
forces to take cover there by giving the person under protection to move to a more secure area or into an escape vehicle.
Personally I would chose a weapon with longer barrel and a round that has more kinetic energy.
Thanks for your time,