posted on Apr, 20 2007 @ 06:34 AM
Man kind has failed... the test was co-existance. We can't even co-exist with ourselves. And for that reason alone I think we should be punished...
Cats are the most beautiful animals this earth has, too bad some people just have to expand forcing the exstinction of animals or need to look at dead
fur hanging on a wall.
One time I was on a trainride, my space was next to some other young people my age (around late 20s). It soon became obvious that these were the
spoiled kinda kids... parents loaded, kids inheriting their money and living flamboyant lifestyles.
After some time one of the boys started talking about hunting... game and such, but after some talk he turned into safari rides, to which his
girlfriend asked if when they were going would he bring back some animals to stuff... and he said sure, maybe a zebra and a lion or something like
that, after which she replied "oh yes, that would look so beautiful in the house"
At that point I almost planted my fist in her face... too bad I didn't, her head would have looked lovely on my wall.