posted on Apr, 29 2007 @ 11:20 AM
Actually, that saying (your face will stay that way) is interesting. Wonder how it began -- and more importantly, why it's continued to be used as a
warning to children?
They also say that by the time you're 40, you'll have the face you deserve. I've seen evidence of that. For example, a man I know was
devastatingly good looking when he was in his late 20's, early 30's. Women used to throw themselves at him.
He inherited great bone-structure, colouring, etc. So there was no reason he shouldn't have aged well.
He's middle aged now, but instead of being attractive, he looks wasted and much older than his age.
When he was younger, he was very envious of other people's lifestyles and possessions: his face used to twist in hatred and anger when he saw people
drive by in expensive cars. He used to spend a lot of time hanging around 'exclusive' suburbs: I think he had some crazy belief that he could
'absorb' affluence if he just hung around wealthy people long and often enough.
He used to adopt an affected 'posh' way of speaking and always lived beyond his means --- at others' expense.
His entire focus was on wealth, wealthy people and their luxurious lifestyle. When he met anyone, you could see his mind assessing them, categorising
them, into those whom he could 'use' and those who were 'of no use'. He had no use for 'poor' (in the material sense) people. And he gushed
over 'rich' people, even if they were spiritually toxic.
He wasted all his opportunities. He gambled compulsively, always expecting to WIN and be catapulted into 'wealth'. He used to say that WHEN he
won, he would tell everyone to Get F****D ! That's how jealous and envious and angry he was.
To drown his anger and rage and thwarted sense of 'entitlement', he drank heavily.
He just didn't see the years passing. While he was concentrating enviously on OTHERS' lives --- his own was passing, day by day, unappreciated. He
never valued his own life or anything in his own life.
He didn't value his own life. He always wanted to be 'someone else', living 'somewhere else', being 'something else'.
Now, he looks like an ancient, haunted, falling-down building. True.