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9/11 press for truth

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posted on Apr, 18 2007 @ 02:11 AM
Seems like more and more of these 9/11 videos are comming out now.

And yet the majority of the stupid people in America are still in denial, still the major media is silent, still the war for oil in Iraq is being dragged out, and still the richest American elitist traitors are underminning thier support and safety net by selling out thier middle-class counterparts who have no safety net. We don't got one so they shouldn't either.

Still we are being lied to by our government.

Time keeps on ticking, ticking, tic....

This one is produced by 4 of the 9/11 widows.

Dunno if this is worth your time or not, as I am just watching it now. So far it looks pretty informative. It looks as if they get into the ISI, CIA, Bin Ladin connection towards the end of the video.

Google Video Link

Times almost up.

Are you ready to rumble?

[edit on 18-4-2007 by In nothing we trust]

posted on Apr, 18 2007 @ 03:53 AM
This is actually very good.

I give it a must see.

Example of material contained within.

Cheney tells senate majority leader Dashille not to investigate 9/11.

Operation Bojinka - 1995 - Terrorists plot to use planes on US targets.

Link to 9/11 timeline

[edit on 18-4-2007 by In nothing we trust]

posted on Apr, 18 2007 @ 09:57 AM
Thats an incredible documentary, there is so much in there. A lot of clips with the leaders themselves, if you watch what their saying carefully and compare it with events it becomes totally obvious Cheney, Bush and Rice are completely lying about things.

Which naturally lead to the question...'if there is nothing to hide why hide'?

The timeline, the fact that Bush would have even thought of Kissinger to head the investigation, despite his Saudi connections speaks volumes.


posted on Apr, 18 2007 @ 11:26 PM
I've posted a link to this video before and I recommend it to everyone i speak to in regard to 9/11 or the administration lies. There is no debunking the facts presented in this movie. The 9/11 Commision Report is the "smoking gun." I believe for the truth to really go mainstream, the report and it's council need to be exposed. There was and continues to be a cover-up. Once the cover up is totally exposed, then people will realize the same people doing the covering up are the same people they have been trusting. I believe everyone agrees that government officials lie to us, but some people need to be slapped in the face with the actual lies. Once people realize how they were lied to, they then begin to ask why and what was really the truth. When people know someone has lied to them, they naturally become skeptical of that person the next time they tell them something. The 9/11 Commission Report and the questions by the families that were not answered or addressed exposes these lies and intrigues the mind.

The film also crushes the "Questioning 9/11 is disrepectful to the families" rebuttal doesn't it. Who is really direpected them? Me or the 9/11 Commission?

posted on Jul, 21 2012 @ 03:33 PM
Wow! Just discovered this video and it is probably one of the most important 9/11 videos I've seen.

For anyone that is genuinely interested in 9/11, do take the time to watch it because it reveals a lot 9/11 Commission Report, and about what the government already knew.

If it wasn't for the widows in this video, the Commission Report would not have come about, and as we all know, the Commission Report was a big waste of time.

Very interesting, lots of facts you may not know in it, and seeing as there is nothing that can be 'debunked' in this video, it would explain the lack of 'debunkers' commenting in this thread.

Here's a link to an all in one version of the video.

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 06:30 PM
Why have no 'debunkers' made any comments in this thread?! I'm shocked that they do not have an opinion on it!

As one can see clearly in this video, the 9/11 Commission Report was a complete fix, I'd love to hear some views from 'debunkers' about this video.

These women did a remarkable job, shame they were let down by their government, and shame the family members they lost on 9/11 were also let down by their government.

What is the point of a government if they are not looking out for their people?!

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 10:38 PM

Originally posted by thegameisup
Why have no 'debunkers' made any comments in this thread?! I'm shocked that they do not have an opinion on it!

As one can see clearly in this video, the 9/11 Commission Report was a complete fix, I'd love to hear some views from 'debunkers' about this video.

Correct me if I'm wrong, as I didn't want to sit through the entire hour and a half looking for it, but just where in the video do the 9/11 widoes claim 9/11 is an inside job? To my knowledge not a single widow of the victims of 9/11 is even remotely agreeing with your "controlled demolitions", "lasers from outer space" or any other conspiracy claim.

Doesn't that mean you're milking other people's suffering for your own political gain and they don't want to have anything to do with you?

posted on Jul, 23 2012 @ 05:30 AM

Originally posted by GoodOlDave

Originally posted by thegameisup
Why have no 'debunkers' made any comments in this thread?! I'm shocked that they do not have an opinion on it!

As one can see clearly in this video, the 9/11 Commission Report was a complete fix, I'd love to hear some views from 'debunkers' about this video.

Correct me if I'm wrong, as I didn't want to sit through the entire hour and a half looking for it, but just where in the video do the 9/11 widoes claim 9/11 is an inside job? To my knowledge not a single widow of the victims of 9/11 is even remotely agreeing with your "controlled demolitions", "lasers from outer space" or any other conspiracy claim.

Doesn't that mean you're milking other people's suffering for your own political gain and they don't want to have anything to do with you?

Did I say controlled demolitions? Nope, that happened, but they talk about the 9/11 blatant cover up and blatant lying by the government. You even quoted what I said, I take it you cannot read the words 'COVER UP'??

Yep, that is what the video is about, and that is what I clearly stated.

If there was a cover up, then there was an inside job.

As for laser beams, grow up, it's only you that goes on about such things. It was a straight up demolition job, most people (except you) know that, but that is for another thread. Learn to read in future.

posted on Jul, 23 2012 @ 02:45 PM

Originally posted by thegameisup

Did I say controlled demolitions? Nope, that happened, but they talk about the 9/11 blatant cover up and blatant lying by the government. You even quoted what I said, I take it you cannot read the words 'COVER UP'??

Yep, that is what the video is about, and that is what I clearly stated. which case, you are lying because you're openly admitting the 9/11 widows don't even remotely support any of your spooky-scary conspiracy stories...and yet you're using them to promote your spooky-scary conspiracy stories anyway. How is that not being as phony as a three dollar bill?

If there was a cover up, then there was an inside job.

I have already stated many times the coverup was almost certainly the concealment of people's failure in their duty because noone wants to be the one to admit it's their incompetence that caused 3000 people to be killed. This has absolutely nothing to do with any inside job and I find it interesting that this seems to be the only scenario you can naturally come up with as an answer.

As for laser beams, grow up, it's only you that goes on about such things. It was a straight up demolition job, most people (except you) know that, but that is for another thread. Learn to read in future.

Dude, you can't be that ignorant. Dr, Judy Wood is notorious for pushing the "lasers from outer space" claims to the point where she even filed a lawsuit against the gov't...and it's patently false to say "I'm the only one who's going on about such things" since Jesse Ventura is on record as saying he supports the idea. Every so often, one of her groupies shows up here, too.

Do you even actually know what your fellow conspiracy theorists are saying? I'm wagering not, seeing that you didn't even know what the 9/11 widows were saying.

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