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How to solve the crop circle mystery once and for all

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posted on Dec, 31 2003 @ 07:56 AM
I say put live web cams up all over the "crop circle country" in England, e.g., Wiltshire, etc. Keep 'em on 24 hours. See who or what is responsible! Plausible, or not?

posted on Dec, 31 2003 @ 09:38 AM
in theory, a good idea. But to implement it would be quite impractical. Most of the areas are rather vast and remote. There has been Video captured of what they claim to be the formation of crop circles, but all the footage I have seen is at night and typicaly blurry.

there has been groups of people who camp out for long periods of time trying to do find the cause...without success.

posted on Dec, 31 2003 @ 09:42 AM
er, didn't they find out that it was just hoaxers with planks of woods?

posted on Dec, 31 2003 @ 09:53 AM

Originally posted by BruceAkolD
er, didn't they find out that it was just hoaxers with planks of woods?

There was two people who admitted to making some crop circles in England I forgotten what their names were but they were really good at it. Some circles you see there impossible to do overnight by humans the way they are done are amazing. But the two brothers I think they were admitted to most of them.

posted on Dec, 31 2003 @ 10:14 AM
I had a book that is supposedly factual (i think it's still back home at my mom's house) -
the book was published back in the early 90's and it told about these people in England who were in a field near where there was crop circle activity (somewhere near a hill with a big white horse carved in the side).

It said that they suddenly had the hair on their bodies stand up like an electric force was nearby, they heard noises in the field of the tall grass moving, flashlights were not working but by the ambient light they could see the grass bending over to the ground as if on it's own.

They said they smelled a strong "electric" smell too. The next day the field had a rather large and intricate crop circle where the previous day there was none.

I can't say if this was true or not - but it sure made me question whether crop circles were just a hoax or not.

Also concerning the cameras all over the place - although such a thing could be for the greater good I'm sure someone would start yelling about big brother conspiracies if cameras were put up all over the place....

[Edited on 31-12-2003 by intelgurl]

posted on Dec, 31 2003 @ 10:32 AM
Im sure I'v seen some video footage of a crop circle being made, its about 5 secs long 1 sec its a normal feild 3 secs of static follow, then in the last second a crop circle can be seen.

But im sure it was a hoax.

posted on Dec, 31 2003 @ 12:06 PM
did you see some of those complex crop circles?it's impossible for poeple to do that manually with planks of wood.

posted on Dec, 31 2003 @ 12:22 PM
my thing is, if there are a group of humans claiming to make these complex circles, why don't they contact a major news outlet (cnn, etc.), go out to a field at early dawn, and make a large, complex crop circle IN BROAD DAYLIGHT IN FRONT OF THE WORLD to put these rumors to rest. the circles that i've seen these groups make are a joke, and cannot be compared to the large circles that appear overnight.

in short....if you're gonna make claims, give the public irrefutable proof to back it up.

posted on Dec, 31 2003 @ 12:25 PM

Originally posted by el cid
my thing is, if there are a group of humans claiming to make these complex circles, why don't they contact a major news outlet (cnn, etc.), go out to a field at early dawn, and make a large, complex crop circle IN BROAD DAYLIGHT IN FRONT OF THE WORLD to put these rumors to rest. the circles that i've seen these groups make are a joke, and cannot be compared to the large circles that appear overnight.

in short....if you're gonna make claims, give the public irrefutable proof to back it up.


posted on Dec, 31 2003 @ 12:37 PM

er, didn't they find out that it was just hoaxers with planks of woods?

Yes, and not just the two guys, but others as's a relatively simple thing to do really...

And yes, they've made super complex ones with the same technique, even duplicating it for a tv show (was either Ripley's or Sightings), and making a very complex design (and large) in the space of a few hours of darkness.

The video being mentioned, has already been debunked...the originators of the video, being a local photography effects studio...

posted on Dec, 31 2003 @ 01:03 PM
There are some amazing Crop Circles!! Now I know that the design of them is within the area of human potential. I totally understand the fractal math behind them and all that too. However there are some that seem to be questionable when trying to excuse it's creation as being some guys with planks.

I'm talking of one's that have most or all of the following characteristics.

1)Very Remote Location with no signs of entry or exit tracks.
2)Stems bent (not broken) inches above ground level and in uniform layered patterns.
3)Perfect fractal design covering hundreds of feet and/or containing hundreds of circles or shapes.
4)Magnetic variables detected within the circles and other geological anomalies.

How are ALL these supposed to be explained. The one place I've come across that seems to show the most effort in proving them to be Man-Made is
However I sometimes wonder just how much of what these guys are saying is Dis-info or BS also. I'm not an expert by any means in this area so maybe some one with better knowledge could shed some light on the subject for us newbie crop circle investigators.

BTW, I find this to be quite impressive. If they're made by some prankster guys with planks, I'd like to see some very extensive proof to show it.

The pattern, spanning 787 feet across, consisted of 409 circles, some as large as 72 feet in diameter.

posted on Dec, 31 2003 @ 01:09 PM
Ya know - as big as some of those circles are I'm sure there are some pretty pissed off grain farmers....

posted on Dec, 31 2003 @ 01:17 PM
you'd need some planks alot longer than you could find at your local lumber yard to make some of those big-uns

I'm still with El Cid, prove in broad daylight you could make one of those huge ones without leaving an awful lot of tracks lugging the tools in and out. And in such a short amount of time. I belive a majority of them are most likely hoaxes (crude and small in nature) but, there a few that make me wonder

posted on Dec, 31 2003 @ 02:28 PM
BTW, here is a site with some of the most complicated and beautiful Crop Circles that have appeared. I haven't checked out the site a whole lot yet except for the gallery which I'm posting the link to. Enjoy!

posted on Dec, 31 2003 @ 03:16 PM
Hi all!!

Just logged into this thread, following two days "away" for late Christmas/ early New Celebrations, so apologies for what will be a fairly long posting

Firstly, the "two people" mentioned - who claimed to be the "founders" of crop circle hoaxes were Doug and Dave.


An article described how two elderly - and presumably extremely active - pensioners had made all the crop circles. Doug and Dave had sneaked out under cover of darkness, without either of their wives suspecting for 15 years, and constructed all the circles with a plank of wood, a rope and a baseball cap fitted with a ludicrous apparatus to, supposedly, help them construct straight lines in the dark by aligning the sight with distant objects (in the dark!)." from

Personally, I thought it would be very strange - nay, inconceivable - that these two people could have created *all* the circles!!

There was a competition held in UK to demonstrate that *some* complex typpes *could* be man-made: see, for example, and scroll dow to the bottom of the page for some pictures.

There are many "hoaxers" at work in the UK (and probably elsewhere) of course, although it has been suggested that some of these are "simply" responding to the need to communicate messages from elsewhere ie in an "inspired" way - from ET? From Nature spirits?

See, for example, the work of the "Circle makers"

or search for Rod Dickinson

For myself, I was an active crop circle researcher in the East Midlands a few years ago and used to take part in "all night" crop circle watches: had some interesting times believe me!!

Anyhow's, hope that helps in some way?


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