posted on Apr, 16 2007 @ 03:21 PM
Hmmm... I was under the impression that the Democrats were going to "Clean up politics" and do away with influence peddling and wasteful
spending... and then I found
Looks to me like the Democrats are EXACTLY the same as the Republicans - lying, cheating, thieving, bloated aristocrats who care not a bit for the
will of their constituency!
When are people going to WAKE UP and realize that politicians are in it for THEMSELVES and their rich cronies. Until money is removed from the
equation, real term limits imposed and independent oversight enacted - we, the American people, will simply continue to be lied to at our own peril
and expense. It looks like we, the tax-payers paid for a VERY expensive Carribean vacation... I am sickened
[edit on 16-4-2007 by kozmo]