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911 Questions!

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posted on Apr, 16 2007 @ 12:19 AM
Some questions I posted on another thread actually made me think of posting this thread. When one really starts to reason about what happened that day and one starts looking at facts, incidents etc questions start forming. This thread is about questions to think about. No answers are required. If you have a question that has come to mind regarding that day place it here. Here are a few to get you started.

WTC Questions:
1) Was it coincidence that FEMA had arrived in NewYork Monday night ready for a bio-terror drill and went into action Tuesday morning?
2) Why the power black out in the buildings the weekend prior to 9/11. Do you need to shut down the power to upgrade internet cables as people were told by "workman" in the buildings that weekend?
3) If the buildings pancaked on each other as was the official report, where is the central core? Where are all the desks, office equipment and even bodies that would generally be trapped between crushed floors?
4) Why the removal of bomb sniffing dogs 5 days prior to 9/11?
5) Did "homing beacons" within the WTC "draw" the planes to the buildings causing them to crash?
6) Why did WTC7 which housed CIA, secret service, thousands of corporate fraud documents etc collapse when it hadn't been hit by a plane and had minimal damage?

Pentagon Questions:
1) What happened to the wings of the plane (compare size of hole width from WTC as to Pentagon)?
2) How was it possible for a plane to pass through 3 rings of the Pentagon made of steel reinforced concrete?

1) How come the so called "watch lists" didn't prevent anyone stopping the terrorists yet they were all identified after the fact?
2) Could the CIA get someone to infiltrate OBL or any terrorist organization for that matter and make them believe they could create an act of terrorism such as the WTC?
4) Were Al-Qeada just guinea pigs in an elaborate plot?

[edit on 16-4-2007 by SpunkyOne]

posted on Apr, 16 2007 @ 01:08 AM
At least 20 bases with fighter planes manned by the National Guard and Air Reserve were within range. Yet Bush claimed no fighters were available.

Does it make any sense that the most sensitive air-corridor in the US would be left unguarded?

Israelis filmed the attacks on the towers ---- cheered wildly --- then abandoned their NJ offices.

Cheered wildly ? Why?

The day before 9-11, the pentagon canceled all scheduled flight reservations. Why?

It was claimed the black boxes were unrecoverable/had been destroyed by the 'collapse' of the towers. Yet they're designed to withstand high temperatures, impact and water as well as containing transponders to assist their recovery.

Compare this with the paper passport belonging to Mohammed Atta which was 'miraculously' located.

Also recovered from the towers were 400-plus computer hard drives --- supposedly 'fragile' and heat-sensitive -- from which sensitive data was later able to be recovered.

Amazing, huh?

Why were Bush officials administered antibiotics to guard against Anthrax on 9-11 ....... when the 'Terrorist Anthrax' scares didn't commence until one month later?

Bush visited Florida the day of the attack. He stayed at an hotel. On the roof of that hotel were surface-to-air missiles.

Why? What did Bush KNOW?

(Surface to air missiles had been used to protect him only once previously, when he visited Genoa).

Cheyney had a raging argument with the NORAD command-centre on 9-11. Why? Then, an inexperienced officer was put in charge of the centre just before the 9-11 attacks (why?) --- and was left in control until after the attacks were over.

Cheyney and Bush ------ gutless wonders too afraid to fight for their country.

Laugh. And they rose to the positions of President/Commander in Chief and that (in the case of Cheyney by 9-11) of direct control of all wargame, exercise and scheduling, etc. (even superceding FAA, Pentagon and Whitehouse Situation Room).

No wonder they believe they could get away with it ..... had gotten away with it ..... and will continue to get away with it.

posted on Apr, 16 2007 @ 01:33 AM
If it was an inside job, why that?

Why were Bush officials administered antibiotics to guard against Anthrax on 9-11 ....... when the 'Terrorist Anthrax' scares didn't commence until one month later?

Bush visited Florida the day of the attack. He stayed at an hotel. On the roof of that hotel were surface-to-air missiles.

And sources for that please.

posted on Apr, 16 2007 @ 09:23 AM

5) Did "homing beacons" within the WTC "draw" the planes to the buildings causing them to crash?
6) Why did WTC7 which housed CIA, secret service, thousands of corporate fraud documents etc collapse when it hadn't been hit by a plane and had minimal damage?

Never heard of #5, I think we can discount that one.
It might be a question that years or many flight hours are needed to
fly those planes. Most skeptics go for that one. So lets test a hundred
people and see if they can do it. Any volunteers? So looks like we are
better off shooting some one somewhere than to figure out the odds
on this one. PBS aired Osama and 911 and the fight afterwards.
Not much on 911 event skeptics just that we were off to Afghanistan.

No need for homing devices because satellites controls may have been available. Go on satellite company stock boards and see. I got a yes
and at the time of the 911 event, cell phones from planes did not work.
Are these experts these people on internet boards. Most have way more
money than I have to invest and at that they might know what they

On #6, videos show a central collapse as a crink in an otherwise whole
facade as pointed to by some demolition expert. Its in one of the
911 truth presentations on youtube or google. So why? It was part
of the WTC complex, it had to go to rebuild. Quick action or kind of
hasty. Haste wakes waste and the plane or Tesla beam for that building
never showed up.

Don't think any beam exists, biggest event I came across was the
Bell Island, Newfoundland type Tesla Colorado Springs event that
may have been a backfire from a Belgian Triangle type aether craft
which bears a similarity in design to the Haunebu II inside workings
but new outsides.

The Pentagon plane is said to be smaller than the regular flight that
flu over the pentagon. Here again skeptics say the Arabs didn't do it
and then what did happen. A different plane perhaps.

Well its their property if they want to test their re enforced wall I guess
they can.

Might as well add some more action and really mess with peoples minds.

[edit on 4/16/2007 by TeslaandLyne]

[edit on 4/16/2007 by TeslaandLyne]

[edit on 4/16/2007 by TeslaandLyne]

posted on Apr, 16 2007 @ 06:11 PM
Yup a real lot of bad circumstantial events.

Does it make any one a bad person.

This is bigger than OJ.

What can you do, expect final justice.

So the Sheik and cohorts planed it all, trained Atta and others without
telling them what was happening until the final day and gave them
orders to execute.

Believe that.

Ken Lay's estate can't be touched is the latest ruling in the courts.
Remember his energy confernce with the Vice President that was held
in secret. These things can happen, and now we know ENRON was ripping
off the Energy business in California.

posted on Apr, 16 2007 @ 06:13 PM

2) Why the power black out in the buildings the weekend prior to 9/11. Do you need to shut down the power to upgrade internet cables as people were told by "workman" in the buildings that weekend?

NO, you don't. They don't even connect to the mains!!!

posted on Apr, 17 2007 @ 09:17 AM
The power down, what would it do.

People would not go to work on those floors.

Do we have to do our countries gumshoe work on the internet.
Free range to do anything somebody wanted to do on those floors.
Modify anything, perhaps make the building insecure.
Perhaps wire for pinpoint explosions.

How exposed are the central core beams.
In some closet that drops down a number of floors.

Ready set go its demolition time.

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