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Aquarium America

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posted on Apr, 14 2007 @ 02:45 PM
The 2000 election,
$2.3 trillion missing from the Pentagon budget reported by Rumsfeld on Sept. 10, 2001,
September 11, 2001,
the "Patriot" Act,
the Cheney energy task force,
the Enron shakedown of the State of California,
the Pentagon office of Special Ops,
the 2004 election,
Abu Ghraib & Gitmo,
CIA secret renditions,
politicizing science,
NSA wiretaps,
Total Information Awareness,
Presidential signing statements & the unitary executive,
the FEMA national police force,
$8 billion in $100 bills airlifted on pallets to Iraq that vanished without a trace,
the torture provisions of the Geneva Conventions trashed,
tasering students in university libraries and the rise of SWAT police,
Orwellian "free speech zones,"
suspension of habeus corpus,
hiding the vivisection of the Insurrection Act and posse comitatus in the budget bill (allowing for the federalizing of the state National Guards and easing the declaration of martial law),
the Surge,
the DA firings,
Constitutional scholars and Ted Kennedy placed on terrorist no-fly lists,

I'm sure I missed something, feel free to add to the (ever-growing) list.

[edit on 14-4-2007 by gottago]

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