Is it just my imagination, or does his floater coil have leads running off of it, and generally resemble an Ion Wind Floater?
Levitation Coil
Ion Wind Floater
The problem is that Ion Wind Floaters take about 20K volts to lift only a few grams worth of weight. Meaning they cannot even support their own power
source, thus the fact they have leads hanging off of them.
Originally posted by FlyersFan
A board war? and no one invited me?
Nope, not exactly. More like a war on the scam that is being run by these two guys.
Originally posted by Lost_Mind
then why would the weight of the craft be an issue?
Because David’s claim is that the function of the Anti-Gravity is to lighten the craft to such a point that it can be driven at high speed using ion
jet propulsion. However gravity is not the only issue, mass would also become an issue in this case. So for instance it would take a lot more of a
push to move a denser object in space (where gravity is not much of an issue), then it would take to move the same size object with lower mass. At
least that is my understanding of physics.
Originally posted by Lost_Mind
With the drive engaged wouldnt it weigh zero?
Don’t objects in orbit experience only micro gravity, which is near anti-gravity? So if that is the case why would it take so much more force to
maneuver the space shuttle as opposed to something like sputnik?
Originally posted by Lost_Mind
Also about the wheels, I certainly hope they wouldnt design a craft where the only way you could move it, say between hangers, would be to engage the
drive system.
Even so, you certainly don’t put 24 wheels on a craft with a 40 foot diameter. Our landing gear structures are designed robustly enough that even
cargo combi 747’s don’t require that many gear, so why would this craft?
Each gear has a very high amount of weight to it, which is why we used to ballast aircraft using crated break assemblies and tire/rim assemblies.
Besides this if you look at the diagram there is really not enough room for those gear to fold up in the craft efficiently, the gear would take up
most of the interior space in the craft. It would be much more efficient to have the craft land on skids, like a helicopter, and attach wheels to the
skids on the ground for towing purposes.
Another very valid point here:
Originally posted by Seeker PI
I also wonder why a nuclear powered machine would only have a range of 3000 miles.
Originally posted by Lost_Mind
Remember the two ladies in Texas that were burned by being in close proximity to a craft they saw?
However, wasn’t the craft which they encountered diamond shaped?
A couple more things I find hard to swallow in his statements last night are the idea that the Pilot who supposedly shot down the Roswell UFO landed
at the crash site, and that Mr. Bushman would be party to information on a supposed asteroid impact.
First off the thought that a fighter was going to just land in the desert on an unprep’ed runway, is almost laughable. They might do that in an
emergency, or they might use a prep’ed dirt or grass runway, but not just land on the desert somewhere at night. This story also conflicts with the
stories of other Roswell personalities.
As far as the asteroid goes, why would he be aware of this information? Just because someone has “top secret” clearance does not mean they know
every government secret. This information is in reality compartmentalized, so that no-one knows too much of the entire story, and is able to spill the
beans on anything. So why would they tell an engineer that there was an impending asteroid impact that was, at the time, roughly 70 years in the
I truly believe that Dave and Michael are planning on making a mint of the UFO community by telling them fantastic stories which are exactly the kind
of things which folks want to hear.
Originally posted by infinite8
No need to ban the guy, hes 100% correct. There are a lot of bad seeds in the fields of ATS, but thats to be expected. He also states most people are
great. He is right.
How’s about the fact that he is operating on a spun IP after he was banned for something else on this board? I think that bit about most folks here
being nice was written after he realized that his remarks over there wending their way back over here and a large number of potential customers had
just been insulted by him.
But take that as you will...
[edit on 4/16/2007 by defcon5]