posted on Apr, 13 2007 @ 09:28 AM
the russians hate Berezovsky, and putin has approval rates around 75-80 percent. There's no doubt the military and secret service are 100 % loyal to
putin. Berezovsky made his money in the troubled nineties, he is charged with tax evasion and money laundering, and is believed to have ordered a
couple of murders.(and now russian prosecuters seem to charge him with this story)
One might critize putin for his quite authorian style, but one should not forget that putin was elected by over 70 percent of all voters, and that he
has the support of the people. Berezovsky may dream of becoming russian president, but it simply can't happen.
This could backfire for him, because russia has wanted him to be extradited for years now, and the british government could get nervous.
In russia a cell in siberia is waiting for him..................