posted on Jun, 23 2008 @ 11:55 AM
Let us assume you are speaking to an agnostic... one who needs physical proof before belief in non-evolution is even a consideration.
I have listened to Billy Meiers Tapes - all 16.
I have watched many documentaries, both for and against the Case of Billy Meier.
I have read the Talmud of Jmmanuel - the 36 discovered chapters.
I have read the discovered scrolls of St. Peter, who says Jesus was not crucified.
I have read the gospel of St. Barnabas.
I have read some of Billy's books.
It is not that I doubt Billy, I feel that Billy may be given only choice information that satisfies the needs of the E.T's but not necessarily the
need of us information hungry and impatient beings. I come to my conclusion as such:
Let us assume we take all mono' Religions, religions which believe in this God, who is the ultimate source of creation.
You have in Chronological order:
1. Jewish Book of Revelation
2. Christian Book of Revelation
3. Islamic Book of Revelation
Now the interesting aspect here is that except for the third book, all others were scribed later. The 3rd book was memorized when revealed (peace meal
over 23 years direct from Gabriel) so there was no discrepancy in the text from that time to this and today I understand they learn it by heart
Much of what Billy says is already revealed in these texts of the 3rd revelation... but the interesting thing is that in not one of Billy's works
have I come across any references to this book. A book preaching peace, inner growth and unity with ones own spirit and ultimately with an entity who
is neither male nor female but simply exists (God?).
I mean if there were 3 revelations and the latter has been kept literally preserved in the hearts of individuals over so many years... would you not
refer to "Version 3" of revelation? why the constant diss. of version 2.1? That just doesn't make sense.
Here's an interesting point also: There is no mention of Islams Prophet having spent 27 years in the celestial skies who was taken to the end of the
Universe, where Gabriel could apparently travel no further. Billy says Gabriel was of a more advanced race than the E.T's in contact with him... this
according to the E.T's themselves, of which there are many many more advanced civilizations.
The talks and writings always address the inconsistencies with Revelation 2 and the wrongness of the Revelation 1's belief of "being the chosen
ones"... The only mention of Revelation 3 by Billy is "terrorists who did the 9/11" - of which we have concrete government suspicions now
surfacing... so that's inconsistent too.
This only the tip of the iceberg...
Another example would be that the E.T's told Billy that there was a force that aided Hitler's regime in destroying the Jews of the time, this force
is now assisting America in it's "machinist capitalist regime to police the world"... but the E.T's are not sure what this force is and where it
is taken from? Surely a super developed creature would know this?
There are many many references in Billy's materials which are internally contradictory, by potentially contradictory information is given to him...
Having objectively read many many "revelational texts" in the eyes of modern knowledge, it seems that the only text, including any of Billy's, not
contradictory and indeed not hypocritical to todays scientific findings are those revealed in No. 3. In fact at one point in the book, the Creator
throws down the gauntlet, and challenges the reader to come up with one chapter in comparison, if you succeed, then then you can say it's not from
your creator.
I say the above with no disrespect intended to any individual or group. It is my attempt to understand our inner universe and I hope that those
helping me on my journey of self growth will appreciate the path I am on, and that I am not here to debate your beliefs, but question and fine tune