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WTC 7 Fires Destroyed Structural Integrity- Video

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posted on Apr, 11 2007 @ 09:55 PM
My apologies if this has been posted before.

This short clip shows the firefighters reaction to building 7's fires & he briefly explains how the structure of the building was weakened & the building was tilting.

This is the first vid i have seen like this. I dont think the firefighter was telling a lie. He still seems very much in shock from what hes obviosly been through all day.

EDIT: Thank You Sauren.

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posted on Apr, 11 2007 @ 10:12 PM
That's a great find. I heard about reports that the tower was leaning, but I didn't think they had a firefighter live on video saying that.

posted on Apr, 11 2007 @ 10:14 PM
That is the most common thing that firemen say in a large fire in a large building.

Look at the Windsor Building in Madrid, everyone was being warned that the buidling was going to collapse.

WTC-6 was far more damaged and the fire was far more involved then in 7 yet no collapse.

This alone proves nothing as no-one can really determine this without a proper investigation.

posted on Apr, 11 2007 @ 10:15 PM
Here you go, just hit the quote button to see the BB code

posted on Apr, 11 2007 @ 11:31 PM
i'd merely like to point out that, if conspiracy theorists are correct, at it was a secret cabal, planted witnesses are a given.

in fact, in the "the mystery of the moved taxi" thread, it is clearly shown that a vast majority of highly quoted, 'witnesses' from the pentagon, were connected with either the pentagon, or "USA TODAY" and their publishers/affiliates.

the BBC reporting a half hour early about the WTC7 collapse also shows that SOMEBODY KNEW it would happen.

do you think anyone who 'expected' the collapse, 'expected' the building to go instantly into freefall?

i don't.

does this video 'trump' the video of firefighters being shocked/scared by explosions while they phone home from a payphone nearby?

does it 'trump' the video of a police officer saying the building is going to 'blow up'?

dos it 'trump' the video of a fireman telling others to get away, because the building's about to come down(in the next few moments).

people around 'ground zero' KNEW buildings were going to collapse.

sure, steel SKYSCRAPERS collapsing form fire is unprecedented, and highly suspicious.
however, people EXPECTING steel skyscrapers to collapse is extra-super-duper-squared unlikely. especially, when they even seem to know the exact time frame.

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