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Pot's calling the Kettel Black

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posted on Apr, 10 2007 @ 03:45 PM
First off , let me start by saying that i don't care much for Don Imus ,
i don't like him and i don't listen to him ..... BUT ,,,,,
I have to say something when the two biggest racist in america, imho ,
Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson call him on making a racist comment . That's the pot calling the kettel black .
And i honestly think that it's those two who are blowing this WAY out of
proportion . And i do not think that what he said was a racist remark at
all . Off color yes , racist , no . Blacks call white women ho's all the time and i can't think of once when someone white jumped up and called it racist .
Race doesn't play a part in 99% of what Jackson and Sharpton claim it
does , but yet they get everybody up in arms over a nothing little bad
joke . And that's all i see this as and as usual , Sharpton and Jackson
have to get their hats into the ring , scared to death they won't get any attention .
I'm no racist but i sure can spot 2 when i see them , and that's what
Sharpton and Jackson are . but , that's just m2c . And i'm not seeing what all the fuss is all about .

[edit on 10-4-2007 by gen.disaray]

posted on Apr, 10 2007 @ 05:16 PM

Originally posted by gen.disaray
That's the pot calling the kettel black .

Good call.

And i honestly think that it's those two who are blowing this WAY out of proportion .


Blacks call white women ho's all the time and i can't think of once when someone white jumped up and called it racist .

Now why *IS* that? Whites obviously need to adapt the weapons of blacks and turn those weapons against blacks, backed by lawsuits and media revulsion of these slurs against whites, until blacks learn that the law is here to serve ALL of us.

Sharpton and Jackson have to get their hats into the ring , scared to death they won't get any attention .

That sums it up pretty well. But you forgot they have to GET that attention, any ridiculous way they can, in order to collect their zionist pay. Because 'DIVISION' and racial-disharmony' is the zionist agenda.

posted on Apr, 10 2007 @ 05:26 PM

Originally posted by Dock6
That sums it up pretty well. But you forgot they have to GET that attention, any ridiculous way they can, in order to collect their zionist pay. Because 'DIVISION' and racial-disharmony' is the zionist agenda.

so it's the jews behind all of this?

interesting. very interesting.

I find it hard to believe the zionists would be helping these two, especially when they have both had their share of run ins with the local jewish community. Jesse Jackson even referred to the city as Hymie town. Do you think he got some kind of channukah bonus for that?

Imus was wrong in what he said. This wasn't a joke that centered on a race or color of people. This was a cruel, childish comment that left his mouth before he had the chance to think about it. This is no different than hearing "look at that monkey run" on Monday Night Football or the Hymie Town remarks by Jackson or any of the other myriad "oops" moments that have made their way into the press.

I find Jackson and Sharpton to be attention whores. No doubt about that and there's no doubt they are using this as an excuse to get their mugs in the media but that doesn't excuse imus for his remarks.

posted on Apr, 10 2007 @ 05:26 PM
Now I for one am all for freedom of speech and I'll also concede that both Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson are and can be dublicitous at best but...Don Imus in my opinion really crossed the line with this one for a couple of very simple reasons.

I think we can all agree that Imus has a history of these kinds of remarks but he usually reserved them for guests or past guests or public (political) figures.

These girls are college kids who are balancing sports with school and this is rutgers university not pima county community college you are not skating by at Rutgers.

No offense to anybody who went to PCC.

These are in fact not "nappy hos" these are educated young, hard working women.

The man needs to be fired. But of course if he is fired he'd be rehired immediately by somebody else, so I don't know how that helps the situation.

I'd like to see a heavy fine from the FCC or something like that Howard Stern was certainly heavily fined for far less.

As for black women supposedly calling white women hos all the time, I don't think making sweeping gereralizations helps the matter.

Imus can spout all the idiocy he wants but the comment at some innocent girls playing basketball I think is not something easily dismissed.

Mind you I'd feel the same way if he had called a mostly all white girls basketball team a "rough looking gaggle of white trash meth whores"

It's not wether they're black or white though the comment is racially inflamatory, it's who it was directed at.

And in my opinion it was directed at a group of innocent young girls who had done nothing to provoke him other than evidently not appeal to him sexually.

IMO as always


[edit on 4/10/2007 by Spiderj]

posted on Apr, 10 2007 @ 05:39 PM
I think they should fire the liberal talk-show host. I hope he never works again!

Watching liberals bash other liberals is fun!

[edit on 10-4-2007 by RRconservative]

posted on Apr, 10 2007 @ 05:44 PM

Originally posted by gen.disaray
Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson call him on making a racist comment . That's the pot calling the kettel black .

It definately is.

I can't stand IMUS and what he said was racist. However, now that you bring it up, it definately is WHACKY that these two frauds are pointing fingers and yelling 'racist'.

posted on Apr, 10 2007 @ 05:46 PM
Is there any example of a black radio show host speaking in the same fashion about a white woman? I need to see this from the another angle. I apologize for missing that information if it was already brought up in this conversation.

posted on Apr, 10 2007 @ 07:00 PM

Originally posted by Crakeur
I find Jackson and Sharpton to be attention whores.

As long as you don't find them attention hos.

Seriously, though. I've said just about everything I think on this matter in the other thread (in 9/11 conspiracies for some reason) except that Spiderj brings up a good point. These girls are totally innocent of anything. And while that matters, I'm not sure anyone ever does anything that 'invites' this kind of name calling. People get attacked all the time, verbally and physically even if they didn't do anything to deserve it. It's a sad part of life. I wish these girls would have torn into him instead of letting his ignorant remark take them down.

[edit on 10-4-2007 by Benevolent Heretic]

posted on Apr, 10 2007 @ 07:07 PM
for those that think Imus will find work on another station if he's let go, it was just announced on one of those annoying financial news shows that Staples and two other major players have pulled all advertising from the network until he's fired.

the old adage "give a man enough rope and he'll hang himself" holds true.

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