posted on Apr, 10 2007 @ 05:00 PM
Yes ,I think a growing number of people are taking the subject seriously (and that can only be a good thing).
Also,increasing numbers are reading good quality,objective literature about the UFO phenomenon (Good,Dolan,Vallee,Hyneck)and realising that its
becoming more and more presumptuous to blatantly ignore sworn eyewtitness testimony from trained military observers(not to mention radar and sonar
Declassified 'Freedom of information act' documents also help folks to conclude that governments from around the world take a keen interest in the
Of course you will always have your hystericaly prejudiced ,narrow minded cynics but on the whole I think many folks are impartial enough to see that
this subject is not all fantasy.
Cheers Karl
PS Liked the cannibal joke -heres another.
One cannibal was crying,the another said "Whats up?" The first said "Ive just dumped my girlfreind"