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Pravda going hard on 911.

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posted on Apr, 9 2007 @ 08:27 PM
Wow no diplomatic words used in here very clear and detailed article.

posted on Apr, 9 2007 @ 08:45 PM
Yes it is a good article, I snipped a piece I think has not been looked at to closely. Marvin and the boys also provided security for the airports involved as well. What a coinky dink

The weekend before the 9/11 WTC demolition, all power was shut down to install "computer cables." No one was allowed inside and all security cameras and alarms had no power for 30 hours. Computer cables don't connect with building electricity, so the need to turn off and close both towers to do so is indicative of another motive, like planting charges without alarms and video surveillance. Marvin Bush, brother to President George and Jeb, was a principal in Securacom, which was in charge of security for the World Trade Center. Didn't hear that on the TV news, did you?

posted on Apr, 9 2007 @ 08:46 PM
remember, Pravda is the National Enquier of Russia.

posted on Apr, 9 2007 @ 08:53 PM

Originally posted by thumper76
remember, Pravda is the National Enquier of Russia.

Jack Duggan is not Russian and also submits articles to News With Views as well as other outlets.


posted on Apr, 9 2007 @ 09:03 PM
The free press of Russia vrs the controlled press of America, oh the irony.

Next we'll have radio Bejing broadcasting messages of freedom and hope to an oppressed american people from a ship anchored off the coast of california.

[edit on 9-4-2007 by In nothing we trust]

posted on Apr, 10 2007 @ 07:10 PM
Pravda is on board with the 9/11 conspiracy movement, eh? Yet another reason I will continue to dismiss this baseless theory and it's zealot-like followers.

posted on Apr, 10 2007 @ 07:16 PM
Looking at some other headlines in Pravda, one comes across:

Huge underground oceans caused Noah's Flood
Mysterious Dwarvish Alien murdered in Russian VIllage
Mysterious Creatures living Under earth's surface came from Space

If this is the fact filled journalistic source you are relying on to proove your theory, then ... well ... maybe it casts doubt on the credibility of your theory.

posted on Apr, 10 2007 @ 08:04 PM

Originally posted by Sauron

The weekend before the 9/11 WTC demolition, all power was shut down to install "computer cables." No one was allowed inside and all security cameras and alarms had no power for 30 hours. Computer cables don't connect with building electricity, so the need to turn off and close both towers to do so is indicative of another motive, like planting charges without alarms and video surveillance. Marvin Bush, brother to President George and Jeb, was a principal in Securacom, which was in charge of security for the World Trade Center. Didn't hear that on the TV news, did you?

'computer cables' was undoubtedly a cover story, so a 'Securacom' could install their networks of closed circut TVs, the sensors in most every buildings 'cages'/'secure areas', other upgrades for things like keypads on locked doors, retnal scan or card swipe entry doors.
and then the linking of all these security networks to various monitoring rooms within say 20 floors of their monitoring station...
there has been more & more episodes of people going ballistic or postal
& shooting bosses and co-workers.

was this 30 hour lock-down unprecedented in WTC history.??
or is a lock-down a sometimes thing for elevator work and such??

30 hours of no electric, no fire alarms, the 15 hour shifts would be murder
unless there were just 2 crews to accomplish the work divvied into 3 shifts
(to keep the total of security cleared personnel small in number)
**assuming that the emergency generator ran only the elevators.
## also that everything done in those two buildings in 30 hours
had been accomplished with battery powered tools & portable lights.

if one were careful and concise, it might be easy to discredit by reenactment that the '30' hours of covert time could not have been used in placing charges or thermite, the weekend before the 9-11 Tuesday AM strike time.

??has anybody, including at Pravda, followed up with a dossier on
Marvin Bush ?? maybe he's in on the land deal in Uraguay with the Bush relatives,
or has billing records of the security work been reviewed?
the '30' hour upgrade work has been embellished into a grand conspiracy if you ask me.

thanks for listening

posted on Apr, 10 2007 @ 09:01 PM

Pravda is on board with the 9/11 conspiracy movement, eh? Yet another reason I will continue to dismiss this baseless theory and it's zealot-like followers

ok forget about the author, Baseless theory?

do u understand that your mind will probably not even allow you to fairly consider all sides of the 9/11 "truth" perspective

u know why

because subconsiously u know u would be left scared and threatened to contemplate "your own" gov't planning this and emposing this on it's own citizens

it is a protection mechanism u are not willing to trade the fear of being left feeling less protected and even threatened by your "gov't protectors" by being open to consider them responsible OR the decrease in pleasure u would feel by having to understand/cope with the fact that the gov't is not on your side and even the great us of a is indeed a powerful country of very shady leaders who are willing to do whatever it takes (even harm it's own citizens) to stay powerful and you likely associate to much pleasure with how comfortable you are in your life to change your opinions of the Leaders of this country

"when the student is ready the teacher will appear"

here is a starter set read about Operation Northwoods

and pay attention to the meaning of "false flag" it has happened throughout history

[edit on 10-4-2007 by cpdaman]

posted on Apr, 10 2007 @ 09:05 PM
From here on out, let's please discuss the article and the debate surrounding the issue, instead of passing personal judgements/commentary on fellow members.

It well help the discussion grow.

posted on Apr, 10 2007 @ 10:48 PM
look at the " source " of the article . pravda is one " source " of
news , if tou call what they do news , that's one step below
weekly world news .

posted on Apr, 11 2007 @ 01:48 AM
If you guys dont like the article DONT READ IT!!
I dont think posting spitfull negative comments are necessary.
Attacking others who only posted a web site is immature!
If you dont have anything nice to say Dont say it.
Have a nice day.

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