posted on Dec, 30 2003 @ 10:46 AM
I think I was about 13 when I saw it, and let me say first, I`m pretty into cryptozoology and I`ve never seen anything like it. My Family and I had
gone to San Antonio with my Aunt`s family. While visiting some natural park...don`t remember the name or location, I decided to walk ahead. Suddenly,
out of nowhere, this thing swooped down in front of me as dissappeared just as quickly.
It looked almost like a bat, with no legs, and a very chubby body. I`m not sure I ever saw the head, but I estimate the entire animal was about 2 feet
long. It could`ve been a bird, or maybe a large bat....but I don`t think either of those could be that thick, especially in flight. Whatever it was,
it went by fast, so I couldn`t tell what it was.
Anybody have any Ideas as to what it was?