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Global Warming is causing big issues this Spring!

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posted on Apr, 8 2007 @ 05:48 PM
Cold Weather Chills Spring Rituals

It may be two weeks into spring, but it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas.

Cold temperatures in much of the country have those celebrating Easter this weekend swapping out frills, bonnets and sandals for coats, scarves and socks. Baseball fans are huddled in blankets, and instead of spring planting, backyard gardeners are bundling their crops.

The National Weather Service was predicting record lows Sunday for parts of the Southeast and Midwest, and an unseasonably cold weekend for much of the Northeast. Snow was forecast in parts of Ohio, Michigan and New England.

"Our musicians are worried about their fingers," said the Rev. Michael Bingham, pastor of Wesley Memorial United Methodist Church in Columbia, S.C., where Sunday lows were predicted to be in the low 20s. The church's sunrise Easter service usually held in a courtyard will be moved indoors


Coldest April Easter in 57 years

Better grab your insulated bonnets; we're in for the coldest Easter Sunday in years.

That didn't stop a group of early Easter egg hunters in Anoka this afternoon. They bundled up for the holiday tradition, despite the cold.

"That's Minnesota for you. But we still have our Easter spirit," said Sarah Oftelie.

Easter Sunday's high temperature will struggle to make 40 degrees, barely higher than Christmas day. In fact, we haven't seen April temperatures like this in almost 60 years.

Other parts of the country are freezing, too. Friday's Twins game is canceled in Chicago, and Atlanta could see its coldest Easter Sunday in 120 years.


So as you can see its getting VERY warm and the CO2 is getting worse. We have the coldest Spring in 50 years, a very quite Hurricane season last year, crops are freezing...Go ahead and by into the hype..

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[edit on 8-4-2007 by DontTreadOnMe]

posted on Apr, 8 2007 @ 06:11 PM
I believe most scientists have consensus that global warming causes extreme fluctuations in climate- not just a fluctuation on the warm side. In this regard, the temperatures we're experiencing are record breakers. About half of the native flora in the SE have been hit major hard.

posted on Apr, 8 2007 @ 10:43 PM
This is not a good thing, for sure. We had a lot of blooming and plant growth occuring. In fact it was just days ago that it was near 80 degrees.

We may not have made it out of the 30s for highs, yesterday or the day before.

At night temperatures are below freezing. Right now it's below freezing.


posted on Apr, 8 2007 @ 10:46 PM
This is real and is a problem. Global warming will cause global cooling, which is causing all of these problems. I live in Lexington, Kentucky, and well, Kentucky weather is unpredictable. I know that 1 inch is not a lot of snow, but that is a lot for this time of year.

posted on Apr, 8 2007 @ 10:50 PM

Originally posted by tnangela
I believe most scientists have consensus that global warming causes extreme fluctuations in climate- not just a fluctuation on the warm side.

You forgot to add, that factoring in global warming... this cold front would be much, much worse....

(adds another log on the fire....)

j/k.... Can we all just agree that a climate change is occuring?

IMO it may be something beyond our control...

posted on Apr, 21 2007 @ 03:06 PM

Originally posted by JacKatMtn

j/k.... Can we all just agree that a climate change is occuring?

IMO it may be something beyond our control...

That's the whole point of this thread....Its there but my argument is that it is NOT proven that it is caused by man.

posted on Apr, 21 2007 @ 03:09 PM
It snowed here in Waco,Texas for Easter. I have never in my life, ever seen such madness. The climate is certainly changing and perhaps not in the manner that we are being led to believe it is. Some scientists are now telling us that we had better start preparing for a coming "ice age" rather than preparing to "burn."

posted on Apr, 21 2007 @ 03:15 PM
Yes that was the doomsayers thoughts through the 70's, now it warming. We all know the earth changes irregardless of what man does and that is the whole point.

I too think an ice age is more likely in the long term, at what point the pendulum swings I have no idea.

posted on Apr, 21 2007 @ 03:35 PM
Are we headed into a short term or long term cooling trend? And no global warming didn't cause it. This is part of the natural cycle of change. I know it doesn't make for good press but that is the reality of nature.

posted on Apr, 21 2007 @ 03:37 PM
Hahaha. Everything is caused by Global Warming now.

posted on Apr, 21 2007 @ 03:38 PM

Originally posted by Indy
Are we headed into a short term or long term cooling trend? And no global warming didn't cause it. This is part of the natural cycle of change. I know it doesn't make for good press but that is the reality of nature.

Well, actually, when water begins to warm,as they are currently, they go into the atmosphere and create precipitation. Rain,snow, ice and such. So, in a way, "global warming" does occur before the onslaught of a cooling trend.

posted on Apr, 23 2007 @ 04:34 AM

Originally posted by galm 1
Global warming will cause global cooling, which is causing all of these problems.

Is there anything that global warming isnt responsible for?

It's a nice racket the chicken littles have created.

Hot weather is caused by global warming. So is cold weather.

Too much rain is caused by global warming. So is not enough rain.

Warm weather in winter is caused by global warming but then again so is the cold weather.

In the summertime heat waves are caused by global warming as well as cool weather.

Increases in the frequency and magnitude of hurricanes is global warmings fault. But now I am reading that global warming can cause a decrease in hurricane activity.

The Cubs win the world series, thats right, global warming caused it. The cubs dont make into the playoffs, global warming is to blame for that one as well.

What a racket.

posted on May, 3 2007 @ 10:44 PM
Here is a video about global warming

posted on May, 3 2007 @ 10:59 PM
i think the preferred term is climate change, for obvious reasons

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 03:50 PM

Originally posted by edsinger
Yes that was the doomsayers thoughts through the 70's, now it warming. We all know the earth changes irregardless of what man does and that is the whole point..

So your point is that no matter what kind of stupid things man does like inject green house effect gases or gases that destroy the ozone layer the change will always be natural? Or are you trying to justify the immoral behavior of your industry? Do you also think that if someone is shot in the heart he/she dies of a natural heart seizure?

posted on May, 7 2007 @ 12:17 PM

Originally posted by DarkSide

So your point is that no matter what kind of stupid things man does like inject green house effect gases or gases that destroy the ozone layer the change will always be natural? Or are you trying to justify the immoral behavior of your industry? Do you also think that if someone is shot in the heart he/she dies of a natural heart seizure?

Actually what I am saying is that even if man is playing a part then it amount to only a small percentage at best. No one here seems to take the issue of the Martian ice caps melting seriously anyway. What if the Sun IS causing all this and there is nothing we can do about it anyway? Oh, that's OK just TAX the crap out of the USA for NO reason. Immoral behavior of OUR industry? Who are you kidding? Just what country has NO corruption? We have some of the most stringent environmental rules in the World but it never satisfies the Tulipwalkers of the world no matter what the US does. The US is the cause of all the worlds problems anyway isn't it?

You see the Clean air act of 1992 actually put bread and butter on my family's table for 4 years so I had a stake in it. I also work in industry today and know just how the environazi's want to limit the ability of the US to compete on the world stage, heck there is even a huge difference between states even.

Stupid things man does to inject gases into atmosphere???

You still don't get it do you? In the 1400's Olives GREW in Germany, that was BEFORE the industrial revolution and if the US would have been around then I am sure we would have the blame for the global cooling that caused the Germans to lose so much money in Olive exports.

Keep up the "Hate the USA" campaign...

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