posted on Apr, 7 2007 @ 03:00 PM
New Bluff Creek Info?
New info as well as "NEW" footprint casts...Look and compare the two...Toatally different footprint casts! This may show that Wallace was just
gaining noteriety from an event he knew was actually present. Bigfoot was there at bluff creek. And, this new info it seems proove not only was there
prior events but some involved attacks.
Does this person have long hidden information on what actually took place at Bluff Creek in 1958? Perhaps he give clues to new avenues to be explored
and researched in this important case. You be the judge. Here’s what he wrote:
What had happened the day the loggers quit? Upon arriving at the logging site early in the morning, the crew found the spare tractor wheels and all
the fuel drums had been thrown down the hill. One of the trucks had been pushed a few yards, and about 10-12 bigfoots were on the hill above the camp
throwing rocks, tree branches, and logs down at the loggers. You can guess what happened - the loggers scattered like ants on fire, jumping into their
vehicles and fleeing the forest like frightened children, never to return. Until now, only the police and the loggers knew the truth about the Bluff
Creek incident. Now you know the secret that the newspaper didn’t report. Bad for the forest economy.Nocona Comanche Shaman; name on file, withheld
for privacy reasons.
Sounds legitimate to me. Does anyone have any other info on this?
( Hope this hasn't already been posted )