posted on Dec, 30 2003 @ 02:28 AM
Dreamz - Normally I am very skeptical of the WND site because of its conservative view, however, it appears to me that all of the web sites that are
addressing possible attacks are saying the same thing. What I am saying is the same message is being sent from the left/neutral/right politically
oriented sites. The question has been, for awhile now, not "if" but "when" with the addition of a new question of "what". I have very little
confidence in the present security apparatus that we have in the states, it is a very large monster and when you take into consideration that nothing
has really changed since 9/11, insofar as inter office communication and putting a spirit of inter-operability between the various departments, I have
to say we are in danger. One of my concerns is how our government will react to a massive attack. A great fear of mine is that we will react in such
a manner that we end up under martial law, which has the bleak possibility of insuring that the present administration will end up staying in office,
and, like the man said, The Bill of Rights and our Constitution will go out the window. What can we the people do about it? I fear nothing.