posted on Apr, 7 2007 @ 09:55 PM
Hi CPYKOmega,
I'd check your motherboard (MB) manual, and see if it supports multiple ram stick sizes. Many MB's require that you use the same memory size for
each stick. Many also will not allow different types of RAM CAS latency.
And the real bitch of it is that many ram manufacturers are less than informative when it comes to detailed specs, making ram buying decisions
The easiest way to upgrade RAM safely is to either find out exactly what type of ram is in your computer by carefully removing one of them, noting
model numbers, and getting identical sticks, same brand, and same size-
Start new with a bigger 1 gb stick, and get two identical of those for two gig, 4 for 4gb, etc.
I can't recall ever seeing a Windows 2k or XP machine crash just because more ram was added using the above gulidelines. But I have seen the
"endless reboot" problem you describe because of RAM incompatibility problems, however slight they may be. You should not have to reinstall windows
just because you added more ram. It just sounds like you didn't quite match up the ram exactly, in size at least... Hope that helps...