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haarp behind iran earthquake?

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posted on Dec, 30 2004 @ 07:54 PM

Originally posted by kalki
Haarp project killed almost 40 000 iranians? In my opinion it's very plausible.

What makes it plausible?

Any documents found?

Like what? What sort of documents would exist for that anyway? How would haarp even begin to causean earthquake?

Judging by the amount of earthquakes happening today, it's not HAARP, it's something greater.

I'd agree, if that something greater is tectonic plates.

You don't know what kind of earthquakes that haarp's Extremely Low Frequencies

Are you seriously sugggesting that haarp emits low frequencies that travel thru the entire planet and are still strong enough and directed enough to affect an earthquake prone fault in the middle of iran?

21 Super high (5+)

This is not super high, and why are you saying its an unusual number?
average number of 5-5.9 mag earthquakes, per year 1 thousand three hundred and nineteen. If there were only 21 5 and greater earthquakes this year I'd agree something is definitely going on, its far too few. In the year 2000 there were 60 5-5.9 mag earthquakes, in this year, they report 19 in the united states.

The total number of all earthquakes from 1990 to 99 did increase, from 16590 to 20832. But in it decresed from 98 when there were 21688 and there were 21476 in 1993. The data does not support a radical or weird increase in the number of earthquakes.

Zero deep
What the hell, Who the hell invented Harp.

The conspiracy theory is that its used for weather modification. I'd be curious to see where this earthquake generation idea started, HAARP affects stuff in the atmosphere, striking a note and trying to project it to some specific location elsewhere on the planet is a pretty huge claim, and apparently all thats been presented are more conspiracy discussions. Does anyone have papers on sounds being produced by beaming energy into the atmosphere or papers on such methods producing sounds, or papers on sounds triggering earthquakes?

posted on Dec, 31 2004 @ 12:09 AM
do a google search on tesla earthquake machine. Here is just one link 1 found.

quote from the site :

Everything in nature vibrates at a certain frequency. When an object is vibrated at its natural resonance, it begins to undergo severe shock, as it tries to shake itself apart. It would be ludicrous to imagine that a tiny oscillator could by itself bring down a building, if not for the principle of resonance. Like a child on a swing, only a very small force is required to maintain a fairly large reciprocating motion. A major vibration could be established in a house by coinciding each stroke of the piston with the return of the individual vibrations through the building to where the oscillator is. Every time the piston hits, it magnifies the force a little more. At frequencies of 1000Hz, the force build-up can be very appreciable! The frequency of resonance is linked to the time it takes for the vibrations to spread out through the building, reverberate, and the "echoes" to return to the oscillator again. By finding the correct frequency, ANY structure can be destroyed. In fact, the larger it is, the lower the resonant frequency is, so the easier it is to destroy. Tesla once joked that he could split the Earth with one of these devices, and no-one ever knew if he was joking....................

i thought at first this could be a natural disaster, but in retrospect i feel that this may not be. I think that this could have been an engineered event to establish a military prescence in that region, the us navy definelty new that earth quake took place and yet no local scientist were warned it should be obvous that a 9.0 earthquake would cause a tital wave, especially the fact that it happened so close to indonesia , and im no geologist.

The fact is HAARP has many top secret capabilites that we dont know about, including ELF frequency, the whole universe is electrical and in a state of vibration. I f one understands how to manipulate these frequencies they can cause much damage, especially in the wrong hands.

I belive it could be related to some secret project goin on in that area, there several unexplained mass whale deaths just prior to this occuring. this could be related to sonar explosions being generated while searching for oil or doing god knows what else down there.

also where were the priliminary tremors ? where was the fowarning to countries that were 4 hours away, also how come diego garcia which was in its direct line of sight wasnt affected at all, something is definately not right here something deeper may be happening.

posted on Dec, 31 2004 @ 12:16 AM
also haarp is pointed at the sky but guess what? it actually creates a mirror in the ionopshere and then uses that mirror effect to shoot back down onto the ground this was actually in popular science !! this is literally a mini star wars project that u dont even are aware exists. they can use this thing like a particle beam weapon also

posted on Dec, 31 2004 @ 02:38 AM

Originally posted by Nygdan
Are you seriously sugggesting that haarp emits low frequencies that travel thru the entire planet and are still strong enough and directed enough to affect an earthquake prone fault in the middle of iran?

Two words for you, Resonant Harmonics. You wouldn't think a string on a piano or a guitar would be able to vibrate a tuning fork several feet away, or a human voice could shatter a glass, but it does. Potential energy and resonance, HAARP is nothing to be underestimated or scoffed at. All matter resonates, you, the chair your sitting in, etc. You find the specific frequency (like the C tuning fork), and amplify it through ELF RF, and presto, potential and exponential energy. Nikola Tesla was the father of this technology, and that was early 20th centruy, basic physics, one can only imagine where it has gone with the advent of supercomputers, etc.
This is an over simplification of a complex concept, but don't laugh it off before you understand it. Amplitude modulation, frequency modulation, or in the common language, AM and FM radio, your microwave oven, your cellphone, all of these work on a similar concept, but without huge, globally positioned antanae arrays and military funding.

posted on Dec, 31 2004 @ 04:36 AM
Two Good books to read on the start of the subject are Harmonic 695 and harmonic 33 both by Captain Brce cathie.

All about the introduction of the Omega project, and omega stations or the gridding of the earth for resonant harmonics.

It has to do with the omega class vessels from my limited reading so far. I did read the books cover to cover about 20 years ago.

I've seen the sky grid with my own eyes. There was four of us in 1993 one night and we watched as on both sides of the sky SW and SE (southern Hemisphere) small satellite looking points of light moved though a grid section at regular timed intervals of about one minute. As one disappeaed at one end, another would start at the other. This was visible through binoculars and try as i might I have never ever seen anything like that night. I see satellites all the times, and they never perform in such a military presicion through the same tiny area of sky. We actually rang the second couple to come over and verify what we were seeing and let us know it wasn't a figment of our imagination.

If it was, it was a figment of their imagination too. It was simply amazing.

The next night i went out to look and nope never again has it happened. I would love to hear from anyone else who has seen such curious events.

Now 11 years later, I'd say all equipment is refined and in full working order.

The book talks about collin class submarines and the omega project, now there is an actual omega class vessel.

posted on Jan, 3 2005 @ 02:14 PM
It could be true about humans causing these disasters, but according to some reports the earthquake has been predicted:
See for example this story and this one here.

If the tsunami was manmade than these reports have to be disinformation.

Personally, I don't know what two think.

posted on Jan, 3 2005 @ 03:20 PM
[edit on 3-1-2005 by c_au]

posted on Jan, 3 2005 @ 03:29 PM
For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now. Romans 8:22

The earth and universe was subjected to sin also when man fell. Disasters in nature should turn our attention onto God and what he says is going to happen(the Bible).


posted on Jan, 3 2005 @ 04:57 PM
HAARP or rather specific interferometric weapons to produce this kind of effect - good for the WTC collapses, the Bali blast, the Bam earthquake and the Sumatra quake, in their various intensities
Still, it is worth considering the increase in the Earth's own internal vibration as measured within its own cavity - the atmosphere - which has raised from a steady state of 7Hz from the mid-eighties, and now stands at around 12-13 Hz
This increase in frequency will inevitably lead to global warming and movement in the Earth meteorologocally and tectonically
Imagine food being hit in the microwave
The effect on the mental processes will arrive as increased mental and neurological disease as well as many many people awakening and seeing how parasitic beings have been feeding on and manipulating human suffering
I've little doubt how many of these parasites in control will use their technology to create fear, panic and control through their technological means
They are in a desparate struggle to avoid self exposure
Hence all the mayhem they are creating in the material world
All you see is the lies distortions and mass murder created by the controlling powers for their own ends
See through it, and how everything fits together

And see this thread

[edit on 3-1-2005 by dh]

posted on Jan, 3 2005 @ 08:19 PM

Originally posted by twitchy

Originally posted by Nygdan
Are you seriously sugggesting that haarp emits low frequencies that travel thru the entire planet and are still strong enough and directed enough to affect an earthquake prone fault in the middle of iran?

Two words for you, Resonant Harmonics. You wouldn't think a string on a piano or a guitar would be able to vibrate a tuning fork several feet away, or a human voice could shatter a glass, but it does.

And how is the resonance frequency of the epicenter different from the surrounding rock, composed of the same material? Do they have to have a different frequency for each possible epicenter and each earthquake?

Potential energy and resonance, HAARP is nothing to be underestimated or scoffed at. All matter resonates, you, the chair your sitting in, etc. You find the specific frequency (like the C tuning fork), and amplify it through ELF RF, and presto, potential and exponential energy. Nikola Tesla was the father of this technology, and that was early 20th centruy, basic physics, one can only imagine where it has gone with the advent of supercomputers, etc.
This is an over simplification of a complex concept, but don't laugh it off before you understand it. Amplitude modulation, frequency modulation, or in the common language, AM and FM radio, your microwave oven, your cellphone, all of these work on a similar concept, but without huge, globally positioned antanae arrays and military funding.
We're talking about tectonic plates here, you couldn't even do it sitting on it, let alone with an antenna array in alaska. And by jiggling the ionosphere? Its not unreasonable to scoff at it, its a silly idea. Sure some silly ideas get proven correct, but this one hasn't. If it does I'll be eating crow, but I don't think I or anyone else is going to run out and get the BBQ sauce today.

posted on Jan, 4 2005 @ 01:01 PM

Originally posted by Nygdan
We're talking about tectonic plates here, you couldn't even do it sitting on it, let alone with an antenna array in alaska. And by jiggling the ionosphere? Its not unreasonable to scoff at it, its a silly idea. Sure some silly ideas get proven correct, but this one hasn't. If it does I'll be eating crow, but I don't think I or anyone else is going to run out and get the BBQ sauce today.

Well, Im still learning about HAARP here, from what Ive read, it is capable of interfereing with the electromagnetic fields around the Earth. I could see the tectonic plates being able to be affected by this.

I find it highly suspect that one year to the day Iran was also hit with a quake. When France strongly objected to US preemptive war on Iraq, they experienced a heatwave. Though neighboring countries also felt it some, it was most concentrated over France.

I dont find the possibility of HAARP to be to far fetched or silly. But I also wont deny that this may just be our natural envioronment.

According to some Mayan 2012 theories, we are almost due for a polar shift in the sun. At that time there is supposed to be crazy electromagnetic storms or whatever resulting. Could this weather activity be examples of what is to come?

posted on Jan, 10 2005 @ 11:16 AM
Yes. I'm convinced. HAARP caused the earthquakes in Iran and even the earthquake in Sumatra leading to the Tsunami. It's obvious, isn't it? My only question is what caused earthquakes and tsunamis and volcanic eruptions BEFORE HAARP?

C'mon people. The United States is not the root of all evil though it's often convenient to put the blame on them.

[edit on 10-1-2005 by benevolent tyrant]

posted on Jan, 10 2005 @ 06:50 PM

Originally posted by benevolent tyrant
C'mon people. The United States is not the root of all evil though it's often convenient to put the blame on them.

Just because the US government has had opportunity to develop such technology doesnt necessarily mean the entire government is to blame. The abuse of power is an illness that effects people of all governments and authority positions at all times.

I dont doubt at all that if England, Germany, France, Spain, Russia, China, and any other government had a military budget of $399.1 BILLION DOLLARS they too would be as evil as those within the US government. And even without an overinflated budget these people do well enough killing their citizens and their neighbors.

The problem is not just those in the US government, but all governments and authorities.

posted on Jan, 10 2005 @ 09:09 PM
Today I opened up my dishwasher to put away the clean dishes. Would you believe that I discovered that my favorite coffee mug (my Detroit Red Wing coffee mug!!!) was broken. It was in perfect condition when I put it in there. And I've washed it many, many times and it always came out in perfect condition. But this time, it was broken! I don't know why it broke but, after reading up on HAARP, I have come to understand why my favorite cup is now resting at the bottom of my garbage container. The extremely low sound frequencies and magnetic resonance put out by HAARP has obviously done its' work. The United States is, once again, at fault. Damned Americans!

My wife told me that, on occasion, this sort of thing happens. She said that broken cups, saucers, dishes, etc. do sometimes, albeit rarely, break. But I certainly know better. She doesn't know about HAARP.

posted on Dec, 2 2009 @ 03:52 PM
yes. the US used haarp recently in Persian Gulf near Bandar-Abbas State
i have the movie that taken by local fisherman in sea
look this
its a horro, why usa kills human by technology?
www....(nolink)/file/0yyittz4tno/HAARP-Used in PERSIAN GULF.3gp

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