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She always puts me down!!!

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posted on Apr, 6 2007 @ 11:25 PM
This girl, i have know for a long time, always puts me down. I am happy for her and her boyfriend, but she always has these weird relationships. Anyway, i tell her something about me and my boyfirend and sh e says it is weird or something. It hurts because i really like him. if i tell her about when we were flirting, or kissing, ect. she is always thinking it is weird just becasue my man treats me better than hers. Sorry, but what should i tell her. It hurts??? Shut the hell up??? Mine boo is better??? Your should i ignore it?
ps help...plz

posted on Apr, 7 2007 @ 08:32 AM
well dont u hate when u have haters for friends

nothin more to do then rubb it in her face

[edit on 7/4/07 by Unisol]

posted on Apr, 7 2007 @ 09:10 AM
You have to be honest with your friend and tell her how you feel. If you continue to let this happen it will eat you inside until you explode and say things that you might not really mean. Really think about what is truely going on and how you will talk to her. Just remember to talk about how you're feeling and not what they have done wrong as talking about your feelings makes the other realize how you feel instead of them getting defensive because you're point out their faults. I'm sure you'll figure out what to say.

If you can't talk to someone about your feelings then should they really be considered a friend?

posted on Apr, 7 2007 @ 09:12 AM
actualy yea...this is absolutly true...instead to wait ur brain explode and to start talking stuff about her mother
u just tell her now to stop act that.....honestly is nice,simple and unbeatable

posted on Apr, 7 2007 @ 07:31 PM
Ya, i try not to go there with the holw mom thing. But it happens lol
That si great adivec because she does eat me up inside. But she is great...otherwise.
Sometime soon i will tell, sounds good. But i hope i keep my cool. any tips on kkeping your sexy(your cool)???

posted on Apr, 7 2007 @ 07:42 PM

This girl, i have know for a long time, always puts me down. I am happy for her and her boyfriend, but she always has these weird relationships. Anyway, i tell her something about me and my boyfirend and sh e says it is weird or something. It hurts because i really like him. if i tell her about when we were flirting, or kissing, ect. she is always thinking it is weird just becasue my man treats me better than hers. Sorry, but what should i tell her. It hurts??? Shut the hell up??? Mine boo is better??? Your should i ignore it?

Well dont say anything like "man ur wierd"

posted on Apr, 7 2007 @ 07:45 PM
Wait, i do not say that. she does.

posted on Apr, 8 2007 @ 12:14 AM

Originally posted by foxylad-ay
It hurts because i really like him. if i tell her about when we were flirting, or kissing, ect. she is always thinking it is weird just becasue my man treats me better than hers. Sorry, but what should i tell her. It hurts??? Shut the hell up??? Mine boo is better??? Your should i ignore it?
ps help...plz

Why is it there is such a need for women to gossip about their men for starters?

In this case why cant you see its better to keep your relationship between the both of you?

Some philosophy of Billy Connelly on the difference between men and women.......

Women cant keep a secret where men can,he got a lot of flake for saying that so he changed it to women "could" keep a secret if they wanted to,except they dont seem to want to.

On to the men...

Men cant keep in a fart,women can.

So it balances out.

His conclusion is,if you want a woman to keep a secret whisper it up her bum.

posted on Apr, 8 2007 @ 12:42 AM
HA, that is true about the farts. But i always keep my secrets. but it is hard not to talk about him because i really like him . i think about hima lot. But i get what u are saying. i think of gossip as a bad thing though. I think what i say about him is good. get it... neither do i ...jk

posted on Apr, 8 2007 @ 02:34 AM

Originally posted by foxylad-ay
But i always keep my secrets. but it is hard not to talk about him because i really like him . i think about hima lot. But i get what u are saying. i think of gossip as a bad thing though.

I`m probably coming across harsher than I would like because gossip from women has caused unnecessary problems in my past and more importantly relationships.

Its your relationship that is most important and be careful not to let/allow/invite others (family included) to come between you both,if you treasure it.By doing so is putting other relationships higher than your own.

I dont mean in a way to become a couple of basket cases either.If your happy and love your partner and vice versa others will see it for themselves,so as far as this friend goes forget about whats been troubling you,get on with the enjoying and let her get on with her relationship,however weird each others are to one another's.

By doing so minimizes unnecessary problems to you both, partner or your friend, that you dont and wont want.

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