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Red Elk-Self Appointed Prophet

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posted on Apr, 6 2007 @ 01:55 AM
This guy, Red Elk, makes a lot of claims and some of them are pretty far fetched.
I heard about him on Art Bell a few years ago, I think he was interviewed on that show about 3 times.
I wanted people to see these prophecies that came to him during a "fast" in the 70's, from the looks of some of his claims, I think he fasted on '___'

Anyway, some of his claims are actually pretty interesting but it is very long so ill post a couple of paragraphs, then ill just post the link.
Pay particular attention to some of his claims regarding foreign military's operating within the United States.

Red Elk's Great Vision

It was about 1973 or '74 when I decided to do a rather long fast. Though at that time, I had no idea of how long. It turned out to be 69 days.

Unlike the Pale Teacher, I took water, juices and vitamins. No solid food passed my lips. Somewhere in about the 49th day I began to see our future. This vision lasted 3 days. A little each day. Each section started where it had left off the day before.

I know many reading this will think what I was shown is 'based' on PAST EVENTS. This is not so. ALL was shown long BEFORE the events.

Only a few have been privy to what will be shared here - in the weeks following this vision. They know I'm not 'dipping' in the past - for they were told before these now "passed" events ever took place. I've held all basically secret - testing to see if true. Enough has passed - showing what I was shown to now feel confident these things as yet that haven't happened: WILL.

Here is what I was shown:

A great gasoline "drought". This happened immediately after the Viet Nam war.

Car factories closed. Iron factories closed. Both have happened.

Drought and floods.. in this now.

Turmoil of weather.. in this now.

North America with many earthquakes.. in this now. AND TO ESCALATE TO MAMMOTH ONES!

Odd diseases. AIDS - Others: Occurring NOW.

Hospitals filled to capacity due to disease and government experiments.. Still to be.

Death, so GREAT train box cars haul thousands of bodys to put in the Dakota badlands - using the Auroras as burial places. Almost all dead come from the East. Yet to happen.

Children "protected" - evacuated to government safe places. Still to be.

Crops killed by insects and drought. In process now, and will escalate.

HOT! Unbelievably so! Yet to be.

Giant winds - renegade storms. Doing so now will escalate.

Ice/snow storms, East Southeast area - Freezing as we've never known it to do. MANY die. Showing signs of this now.

Weather in general - CRAZY. Doing so now.

The following are yet to be, unless otherwise indicated:

Steaming waters - rivers / lakes.

Sky turns "mad" - can't be explained.

Blisters and open sores - blindness. MASSIVE.

Hair falling out - in clumps.

Gagging on food / drinks. Choking.

GREAT fear in all people in North America.

Lung / breathing problems. In process now.

Animals / fish / birds disappearing into oblivion - near extinction.

WAR ON OUR SOIL - five armies (nations) doing so. We lose. To be and probably within the next five years - or sooner.

Here is the rest of this page

Part one of two interviews with spectrum magazine

Here is part two

Heres a page where he discusses the Dulce Base Incident

Finally, here is the link to the main page

He talks quite a bit about reptilians and the inner earth theory
I found his interviews with the spectrum magazines particularly interesting
Even though I dont believe in all of his claims and theories, I still enjoy most of what he says.

posted on Apr, 6 2007 @ 01:57 AM
These sound more like educated guesses than prophecies.

posted on Apr, 6 2007 @ 02:41 AM
Yea i know but I read this when it first came out on that page, aroud 02-03 and some of the claims he made, well i wouldnt say that theyve come to pass but there were some that are pretty close.
Just coincidences im sure though.

Originally posted by Vipassana
These sound more like educated guesses than prophecies.

posted on Apr, 6 2007 @ 07:36 AM
Second half sound's like Dark Knight's prediction:

Sky turns "mad" - can't be explained.
A general mass "madness".

War on america, and americas lose, I've read in another prophey also..can't remember where. But the 'play room' for shocking predicition is limited. And it seems to me that Red Elk pulled all this registers: "Cannibalization. "
That's why i doubt this.

p.s. oh byway, make enough predictions and one comes truth. He seems also to know this rule.

p.s.2. "It was about 1973 or '74 when.." so much to his 5 years for the america war..

[edit on 6-4-2007 by g210b]

posted on Apr, 6 2007 @ 04:27 PM
Yes i know there are many inconsistencies in his "predictions". Also he has made many predictions, the more he makes the better his odds are that one or more will actually happen. Fraud or not, i just find his stories interesting and very imaginative haha.
He used to have a forum going as well but he started constantly asking the members for money and i think that turned people away from him.
Its one thing if he has a "message" that the Creator wants him to get out to us but its another thing to charge a fee to hear that message.

Originally posted by g210b
Second half sound's like Dark Knight's prediction:

Sky turns "mad" - can't be explained.
A general mass "madness".

War on america, and americas lose, I've read in another prophey also..can't remember where. But the 'play room' for shocking predicition is limited. And it seems to me that Red Elk pulled all this registers: "Cannibalization. "
That's why i doubt this.

p.s. oh byway, make enough predictions and one comes truth. He seems also to know this rule.

p.s.2. "It was about 1973 or '74 when.." so much to his 5 years for the america war..

[edit on 6-4-2007 by g210b]

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