posted on Apr, 5 2007 @ 02:12 AM
Now how in the world does one post topics in the 'Breaking News' section? I filled up the form as per the requirement including Article Headline,
Link To Source Story Snippet, Comments and Thread Tags. But I don't see the topic anywhere on ATS.
And by the way, this was breaking news regarding the release of the 15 British 'prisoners' by Iran. Instead an old thread headlined 'Iran To
Release British Soldiers' is still on ATS which is old news.
So what's the problem here? And secondly without entering 'Thread Tags', the post is not accepted with a message asking you to add the tag before
posting. But what happens if there is no corresponding ATS tag for the topic? How does one get to post the topic?
[edit on 5-4-2007 by mikesingh]