posted on Apr, 5 2007 @ 02:26 AM
As far as I know, there is no scientific consensus about why animals sleep. It's an open question. There has, however, been quite a lot of research
on the subject, some of it rather controversial. Moreover, it is a field in which theories -- some plausible, some obviously cockeyed -- abound.
All of this makes sleep (and dreaming) a very interesting subject for discussion on ATS. Congratulations to the OP for coming up with it.
However, this thread is definitely in the wrong forum.
It should be in the Science & Technology Forum.
That forum is filled almost exclusively with threads on subjects in the physical sciences (except chemistry for some reason) and technologies allied
with them. There is very little life-science-related subject matter, such as the subject of this thread. That is a great shame, since some of the most
interesting work in science nowadays is taking place in the life sciences.
Moderators, please move this thread. It deserves a place in the S&T forum, and the S&T forum needs more threads like it.