posted on Apr, 6 2007 @ 07:03 AM
Personally, I thought it was one of the best Bond films yet.
Officially, Sean Connery will always be "The Bond", but personally, I thought Roger Moore was better, funnier, more charismatic. I've hated every
Bond since Moore up until now, because they were basically just worse and worse soap opera stars given progressively crappier scripts.
Casino Royale brought a new face to Bond... Bond Redux, if you will. It was like someone took away all the cheesey gimmicky villains, all the
ridiculous gadgets, and all the suavity that comes from decades of getting laid by hot villainesses, and instead gets right to the core of what Bond
is...or bad mofo killing machine that thwarts convention and rules to get the job done.
He wasn't suave, he wasn't charismatic, and the only gadgets I even remember him using were fairly believable ordinary stuff. But man could he kill
himself some bad guys.