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Reasoning for the search

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posted on Apr, 4 2007 @ 05:06 PM
There are many people here on ATS from all walks of life. Some were touched more than others by the events of 9/11 and many of unanswered questions. Regardless of what those questions are, there has to be a driving force behind the person seeking the answers My question to all the 9/11 researches, truthers, deniers, and whatever other groups i may have missed, is what exactly is that driving force for you? Why have you dedicated (in some cases) 6 years of your life trying to find these answers? And finally, what, if anything do you hope will happen after these (conclusive) answers have been discovered?

My personal opinion is that, its 6 years later and no concrete evidence has been gathered to make a case. Perhaps its time to move on to searching for answers to the world energy or food concerns. Or how about spending that time by helping to imrpove the lives of other around you? Or for those living in what some call soon to be "police states", why not rally against that? I just personally dont see any change comming forth after this search is complete. I see it as another issue that has polarized the public, and discredited otherwise decent people.

posted on Apr, 4 2007 @ 08:26 PM

Originally posted by InSpiteOf
Or for those living in what some call soon to be "police states", why not rally against that?

How are we not? The only way a police state can be set up is if most people are stupid and allow it to happen, just as most Germans were total freaking idiots and allowed Hitler to come to power and covertly start slaughtering Jews. There were Germans that knew what was going on, but not enough of them.

And seeing as how 9/11 was justification for the "War on Terror", showing it to have been an inside job immediately takes justification away from the hundreds of thousands of innocent lives that we have destroyed and are continuing to destroy, with the media now mongering to get us pissed at Iran, so we can kill a couple more hundred thousand or so.

It's all tied in. You either wake up, or else your stupidity helps fuel this new wave of fascism and bloody militarism just by your complacency.

posted on Apr, 4 2007 @ 09:55 PM
Bsbray is exactly right. Not understanding 9-11, or worse, refusing to understand 9-11, automatically results in being morally responsible for supporting ‘bloody militarism’. It’s bad enough that simply by being an American or ‘coalition’ citizen or resident we are generating resources — via federal taxes — that fuel the ‘new wave of fascism’. But ethically it’s not quite as reprehensive for those who’ve taken the time to realize that 9-11 was a self inflicted event.

The Wizard In The Woods

posted on Apr, 4 2007 @ 10:09 PM

Originally posted by InSpiteOf
There are many people here on ATS from all walks of life. Some were touched more than others by the events of 9/11 and many of unanswered questions. Regardless of what those questions are, there has to be a driving force behind the person seeking the answers My question to all the 9/11 researches, truthers, deniers, and whatever other groups i may have missed, is what exactly is that driving force for you? Why have you dedicated (in some cases) 6 years of your life trying to find these answers? And finally, what, if anything do you hope will happen after these (conclusive) answers have been discovered?

1. Driving Force: To seek the end of this to see what really happened instead of waiting and waiting, I'm impatient on theories.

2. Why the Dedication: There are people on here that give us great points, great links, great evidence, etc... it keeps me going when evidence and responses do not repeat themselves and we learn something new every day.

3: What do I hope happens after we find out: Just knowing the full honest to goodness truth, about what happened on that day would let us move forward. If you tell me the truth, and nothing but the truth, with reasoning and evidence for the reasoning to the point where debunking is out of the question, then my stay here is no longer needed. I hope that the knowledge that we gain from the truth will let us rest our minds and bodies and move on with trusting one another again.

posted on Apr, 5 2007 @ 09:52 AM

Originally posted by bsbray11

Originally posted by InSpiteOf
Or for those living in what some call soon to be "police states", why not rally against that?

How are we not? The only way a police state can be set up is if most people are stupid and allow it to happen, just as most Germans were total freaking idiots and allowed Hitler to come to power and covertly start slaughtering Jews. There were Germans that knew what was going on, but not enough of them.

Just to let you know, the Nazi's were never a majority party, and many german lumpinprols were quite capable of seeing hitler and the nazi party as enemies and voted as such. Unfortunately he had the backing of the german heavy industry which propelled him onto center stage.

And seeing as how 9/11 was justification for the "War on Terror", showing it to have been an inside job immediately takes justification away from the hundreds of thousands of innocent lives that we have destroyed and are continuing to destroy, with the media now mongering to get us pissed at Iran, so we can kill a couple more hundred thousand or so.

It's all tied in. You either wake up, or else your stupidity helps fuel this new wave of fascism and bloody militarism just by your complacency.

But US leaders have been actively dividing up the world with direct or indirect force for the last 100+ years. In otherwords, they've cooked up justification for military intervention without the help of 9/11.

IMO it just makes more sense to get involved with a grass roots organization thats aim is to change US foreign and push it in a positive direction. And i just dont see how 9/11 will do that. The issue has polarized the public and put everyone at eachothers throats.

posted on Apr, 5 2007 @ 10:53 AM

Originally posted by InSpiteOf
Just to let you know, the Nazi's were never a majority party, and many german lumpinprols were quite capable of seeing hitler and the nazi party as enemies and voted as such.

Nevertheless, there weren't enough people riled up to do something.

Protests wouldn't have worked in Nazi Germany either, don't you think? And petitioning these bastards? Wasting your time.

I know a lot of people whine and cry at the thought of civil violence, but our lives are worth no more than the ones we're allowing them to take just by sitting on our asses, or peacefully demonstrating and *hoping* they listen.

I'm not saying go out and kill somebody, but there are more direct ways of showing where the power base in this country REALLY comes from, rather than just kindly and formally requesting a reconsideration of the admin's military policies, without breaking any rules. Some of the more ballsy things Ghandi did come to mind.

They're the ones that make the rules anyway. What makes you feel bound to them as a human being? Pieces of paper stored in vaults in the Smithsonian? Those papers are on OUR side anyway. Those "rules" are supposed to be on our behalf, and more importantly, protecting all of our freedoms regardless of what any majority says. That's what a Republic is, and a democracy is not at all what our forefathers had in mind, and they didn't mind abandoning peaceful protests, did they?

[edit on 5-4-2007 by bsbray11]

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