posted on Apr, 4 2007 @ 12:45 PM
I think its obvious that with the many thoughts, views and ideas that we have here at ATS, we must at some point placed our finger on the truth
button. Regardless of the subject matter collectively ATS must be hitting the mark, the problem is are we aware of it and how do we use the knowledge
we have gained, knowledge is power so just how much power do we have.
Can we as a collective use the knowledge we have gained to bring about change, do we even desire to achieve that goal. Yes on a basic level the info
we share can and is a great help to members and all those who visit this site, but will we morph into an entity that has teeth?
Is there a desired natural progression at work here or are we just one big chat site? I would like to think that all our efforts will ultimately count
for something, that we will achieve what we desire.