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The Earth is a Zoo

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posted on Apr, 4 2007 @ 08:25 AM
These are some thoughts of mine, just wonder if anyone sees some logic with this?

Ok, I feel that Earth is a zoo. We originally were apes. When we look at the glaring holes and time discrepencies with 'evolution', logic tells us that 'someone' came along and genetically improved us. There is no way, we could have naturally evolved.

My question is why? Why would this anyone do this? The only logical explanation I can come up with is 'entertainment'?

Now, consider Darwin's theory of survival of the fittest..obviously, humans are surviving above all other species, well perhaps we shall exclude cockroaches and vermin? Perhaps Darwin had some insight?

I watched a DVD the other day, a comedian firstname ? lastname = Hicks - (really recommend it) He did a skit on monkeys and majik mushrooms, really funny but also left you thinking.

UFO sightings are becoming more and more frequent...well I see this as 'maintenance'. When you look at a zoo, you have staff that look after the zoo. Depending on what literature you read, (I read recently, a book by 'Peter') and in that ET's were constantly cleaning up after human error, polution, chemtrails etc. Then there is abduction testimonies; most of those who are abducted have lab tests carried out on them. More maintenance?

I realise this is way out there! If we are in a zoo, a dome and the moon, stars are like observation stations for ET TV... I just wonder if it makes for exciting television?

I also wonder when the final season will happen?

[edit on 4-4-2007 by NJE777]

posted on Apr, 4 2007 @ 10:45 AM
Yes. We have this, our supposed 3D Zoo --- the Paranormal Zoo --- and very probably several off-world zoos.

Yes, we're animals, descended from other animals.

Yes, I believe we were modified by entities as yet unknown.

At times I've bitterly suspected we provide (as you suggest) 'entertainment' for whomever (also, as yet, unknown).

It's possible we're nothing more than some cosmic kid's computer game.

It's possible our entire universe is contained in a speck of excreta expelled from some unknown thing's anus.

It's possible the entire history of our universe is contained in a split-second of time.

And it's possible that a bug flying through space imagined the entirety of human history -- and that bug is you. Maybe I don't exist any more than do the other 6 billion on what we believe is planet Earth. Maybe you imagined or dreamed all of it.

UFOs/aliens have allegedly been seen and experienced throughout history -- unless someone's been fabricating this information. Which is not beyond the realms of possibility: I read in a forum somewhere the other night that the CIA wrote and published (under a variety of pseudonyms and invented publishing houses) something in the vicinity of several thousand new-age/esoteric/UFO and other books and articles.

There are highly convincing (and otherwise) first-hand accounts of alleged UFO/alien encounters. They seem to fall into 2 categories: aliens as Good guys versus aliens as Bad guys, ala 'Keeping it Simple for the Stupids'.

However, re: humans as 'entertainment' versus 'experiment' ... we can only speculate.

Alien 'caretakers/zoo attendants' ? Dunno. Usually, responsible zoo-keepers maintain health and balance: they don't allow one species to dominate at the expense of another or others. They ensure all are provided adequate housing and food. We could compare this with the less ethical, but powerful, pharmaceutical laboratories which conduct animal experimentation -- their primary aim being profit.

We might also cast our minds back to the Romans, who considered themselves 'entertained' throughout several days of animal (and human) slaughter, or even the 'big game hunters' of the past few centuries who hunted for sport and adorned their homes with their 'trophies', as in: 'Bagged me a couple of lions last season'. For all we know, various alien species come to Earth on their annual holidays and 'bag' themselves a couple of humans, whose stuffed carcasses now adorn a wall somewhere.

Similarly, 'aliens' may 'farm' humans as we farm cattle. Or they may have laboratories filled with humans who're used for 'experimentation' --- to extract substances used in alien cosmetics for example ?

There's a also the possibility that some aliens may regard Earth much as we regard National Parks and animal sanctuaries: their intention being to provide a 'protected environment' in the same way we attempt to provide refuge for endangered species. The temptation to make a quick buck is too great for human poachers however and they pillage the parks we've set up, despite the penalities if apprehended --- and the same may be the case with unethical 'aliens': they may abduct humans from this 'Earth Park' in order to sell them to alien 'collectors'. Certain Asian people believe that powdered rhino horn is a sure aphrodisiac: they're uncaring of the fact an entire rhino has been sacrificed for the sake of their sexual impotence. For all we know, certain 'alien' species may believe human gonads or knee-caps are an effective aphrodisiac, or will cure their flatulence: hence the reported 'alien abductions' that reportedly occur.

We tend to differentiate between 'alien' and 'paranormal' events/experience, but are we correct in doing so?

Are we correct in believing that 'aliens' come to 'Earth' from Somewhere Else? Perhaps Earth is not a distinct 'zoo'. Perhaps we exist in one huge, seething zoo which contains what we regard as Past, Present, Future as well as 'ghosts', 'aliens', etc. --- all superimposed and/or melding and churning like ingredients in a food-mixer?

Or perhaps we possess the capacity to experience many dimensions simultaneously, though for the most part we're unaware of it at conscious level?

If 'aliens' actually exist as independent entities, then they're doing a poor job as zoo-keepers, if that's their role or intention.

If they're experimenting with us, then they're as uncaring of our suffering as we are of each others' and animals' suffering -- which in turn implies 'aliens' are no more evolved than we are (although they may possess superior technological skills).

If they're utlizising us for our 'entertainment' value -- then they're obviously easily satisfied, because human behaviour has been the same-old same-old for tens of thousands of Earth years. So if we're 'entertainment', maybe we're the equivalent of alien-soapies.

Or, maybe certain low-level aliens exploit us because they can -- because we're so vulnerable ........ similar to Earth cretins who make heroes of themselves (in their own cruddy estimation) by pulling wings off flies and torturing frogs, like Bush.

We don't know. Maybe one day we will. Maybe not. The smart option seems to be to escape this place and make sure we're never sent back.

posted on Apr, 4 2007 @ 09:42 PM
First off. that Comedian was Bill Hicks, who tragically died a little over a decade ago. He is, quite simply, the funniest man to ever have lived. I highly recommend anyone and everyone who isn't a minor or offended by coarse language to try and see one of his routines on DVD.

Secondly, your idea of earth as a zoo has merit, and you aren't the first person to posit this. It's entirely possible (as possible as anything else) that we're some kind of zoo, or endangered species park, or experiment.

Many controversial UFOlogists think we're an EBE species' petri dish, a pet project to see what would happen if we were allowed to run free in our own filth. Another theory I've heard has to do with the creation of hybrids; we were genetically engineered by an EBE species in order to provide genetic material to help them procreate because they became incapable of doing so, or are universally affected by some kind of genetic defect, etc.

The zoo theory is just one of many, and no less valid than any others. The main problem is there's no real way to prove it unless an EBE admits it. And we all know that's not going to happen any time soon.

posted on Apr, 10 2007 @ 05:31 AM

Originally posted by Dock6

It's possible we're nothing more than some cosmic kid's computer game.

It's possible our entire universe is contained in a speck of excreta expelled from some unknown thing's anus.

It's possible the entire history of our universe is contained in a split-second of time.

I really liked what you offered up here!
Where do we get our idea's from? My Son was playing the Sims the other day and I thought for a sec the very same thing. And the unknown thing's anus is very funny but what if it is true?? Or has some element of truth to it. The saying 'same excrement different day' comes to mind. lol

And it's possible that a bug flying through space imagined the entirety of human history -- and that bug is you. Maybe I don't exist any more than do the other 6 billion on what we believe is planet Earth. Maybe you imagined or dreamed all of it.

I have actually considered that when we are alseep we are actually awake and when we are awake we are actually dreaming. My Daughter met an homeless man and gave him money, they were talking for a while and discussing 'life' - he told her to reverse all things and then form an opinion. Whatever theory, reverse it and see if its logical.

Hicks the comedian also mentioned something similar to what you have said, he shared with everyone what a guy on acid came up with, the guy said we are our imagination. We imagine then experience. Perhaps I am dreaming this in some other realm and this is where it all gets to be played out. The possibilities are endless.

Alien 'caretakers/zoo attendants' ? Dunno. Usually, responsible zoo-keepers maintain health and balance: they don't allow one species to dominate at the expense of another or others. They ensure all are provided adequate housing and food. We could compare this with the less ethical, but powerful, pharmaceutical laboratories which conduct animal experimentation -- their primary aim being profit.

This reminds me of someone who liberates another, I always ask why? Why would someone do that? Is it because they sincerely wish to help or is it to feather their own nest? Iraq comes to mind. I will avoid political issues (try) but when you consider Mugabe, why haven't those sincere people gone running to rid Zimbabwe of a despot??? Perhaps there is nothing of value there? And when we consider the unequal distribution of wealth throughout the world, I always think of the saying in the bible, 'as on Earth, so too in Heaven'... If thats the case, perhaps they have UFO sightings, sexual diversity, murder, rape, poverty and polution???

We might also cast our minds back to the Romans, who considered themselves 'entertained' throughout several days of animal (and human) slaughter, or even the 'big game hunters' of the past few centuries who hunted for sport and adorned their homes with their 'trophies', as in: 'Bagged me a couple of lions last season'. For all we know, various alien species come to Earth on their annual holidays and 'bag' themselves a couple of humans, whose stuffed carcasses now adorn a wall somewhere.

lol perhaps, when I first read some of the abduction testimonies, I likened them to what we do to cattle, chickens etc when we round em up for our food. Why would we be immune from the food chain? Perhaps the boxing day tsunami was some sort of major season finale??

Similarly, 'aliens' may 'farm' humans as we farm cattle. Or they may have laboratories filled with humans who're used for 'experimentation' --- to extract substances used in alien cosmetics for example ?

ah ha ha, yes, scary thought!! I can imagine an ET going into a ET shop and requesting something with a sticker that says 'not tested on humans'

This is definitely thinking outside the square!!

...The temptation to make a quick buck is too great for human poachers however and they pillage the parks we've set up, despite the penalities if apprehended --- and the same may be the case with unethical 'aliens': they may abduct humans from this 'Earth Park' in order to sell them to alien 'collectors'.

Excellent analogy, really!!

Certain Asian people believe that powdered rhino horn is a sure aphrodisiac: they're uncaring of the fact an entire rhino has been sacrificed for the sake of their sexual impotence.

Perhaps those people who poach for animals become open to the same experience? How else would they learn what it feels like to die because their own nose or mouth is a aphrodisiac or contains a vital mineral to prolong an ET's life?

For all we know, certain 'alien' species may believe human gonads or knee-caps are an effective aphrodisiac, or will cure their flatulence: hence the reported 'alien abductions' that reportedly occur.

It does seem logical...

Or perhaps we possess the capacity to experience many dimensions simultaneously, though for the most part we're unaware of it at conscious level?

well, when we consider all of the new age movements and what they have to offer regarding 3, 4th dimensions? Who knows really! The biggest gist of this I can think of is the astral plane where some people 'claim' that is where we visit when we dream....

If they're experimenting with us, then they're as uncaring of our suffering as we are of each others' and animals' suffering -- which in turn implies 'aliens' are no more evolved than we are (although they may possess superior technological skills).

or perhaps they provide a mirror for us???

maybe we're the equivalent of alien-soapies.

EarthTrek?? Days of our Human Lives?? oh I could go on... lol

by pulling wings off flies and torturing frogs, like Bush.

hmmm... perhaps they get to ring in and vote too...? sms this number to decide what human gets what??

The smart option seems to be to escape this place and make sure we're never sent back.

I agree. Would be nice to know how to escape and avoid being sent here again?

posted on Apr, 10 2007 @ 12:28 PM
You have voted Dock6 for the Way Above Top Secret award. You have two more votes this month.

The Earth does show several characteristics of being much like a zoo in as much as we are aware of a world outside of our planet, but cannot access it. Instead we wonder who is watching us and why we've been put here in the first place. I've often thought that human beings would provide amusement for a higher intelligence since in spite of our evolution we remain a fundamentally violent, hateful and discriminatory race; more so than any other species we know of. Our behavior is erratic, non-nonsensical, volatile and at times utterly ridiculous. The public swallow reality television for that very reason and you have to wonder whether a higher intelligence would view us in much the same way.

posted on Apr, 10 2007 @ 08:41 PM

Originally posted by Nick Nightstalker
First off. that Comedian was Bill Hicks, who tragically died a little over a decade ago. He is, quite simply, the funniest man to ever have lived. I highly recommend anyone and everyone who isn't a minor or offended by coarse language to try and see one of his routines on DVD.

Yes, I agree. He had a great way of stating the truth and putting it in a way that made you laugh but got the point. I got the feeling too that he knew something or had been contacted by ETs. When he first came out on stage, most of the routines, he would have a space theme... it is just something I noticed. But, I did like the rant he had over the UFO sightings and human intelligence in remote country areas. Very funny. Thanks for filling in the name gap

Another theory I've heard has to do with the creation of hybrids; we were genetically engineered by an EBE species in order to provide genetic material to help them procreate because they became incapable of doing so, or are universally affected by some kind of genetic defect, etc.

I have read this quite a bit. The abduction testimonies have stated this as one reason. But then, people generally don't believe what they claim.

no real way to prove it unless an EBE admits it. And we all know that's not going to happen any time soon.

Doesn't the Truman Show have a happy ending?
Where do they get the ideas from?

posted on Apr, 10 2007 @ 08:49 PM

Originally posted by Seen the Future
You have voted Dock6 for the Way Above Top Secret award. You have two more votes this month.

Make that two votes now... I did the same!

Instead we wonder who is watching us and why we've been put here in the first place.

I just wonder how many people think this very question? = majority of pop'n? Why do we think like this? Is it a human thing? I sometimes wonder if a bird doing the bird thing thinks the very same thing? Flying around, thinking 'why can I fly? 'what am I doing here?' lol

posted on May, 24 2007 @ 05:07 AM
I wanted to update my skunkworks by adding, I feel the Earth really is a zoo and us humans hopefully one day might be developed enough to step outside of it. Why would anyone with the foresight and wisdom allow a human being unlimited freedom?

That is like giving a child nuclear technology...

posted on May, 24 2007 @ 04:19 PM
Is it feeding time yet? Did I miss my bowl of zoo-gruel?

Man, I love how life just keeps on living, though. Even the "others" have to contend with that.

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