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What would have a 757 looked like at the pentagon?

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posted on Apr, 4 2007 @ 04:37 PM
Apparently, it wasnt a plane at all, but in fact, a missle of some description. you cannot just fob off this idea that it could have been a plane, however, the debris would have possibly scattered so far or have been so large that every reporter in that area would have noticed it. plus i think that Bush is the terrorist here and nobody else. there have been documentaries that show the possiblilty of him directly funding terrorism, so the terrorist attack could have easily been by a missle brought on the black market.

posted on Apr, 4 2007 @ 04:49 PM

Originally posted by Lesser Deamon
Apparently, it wasnt a plane at all, but in fact, a missle of some description. you cannot just fob off this idea that it could have been a plane, however, the debris would have possibly scattered so far or have been so large that every reporter in that area would have noticed it. plus i think that Bush is the terrorist here and nobody else. there have been documentaries that show the possiblilty of him directly funding terrorism, so the terrorist attack could have easily been by a missle brought on the black market.

In your opinion its a missile, in my opinion its not. In your opinion theres a possibility that Bush funds terrorism, in my opinion theres no "have" been documentaries showing funding of terrorism. Either it shows it or not. No "haves."

posted on Apr, 4 2007 @ 04:59 PM

Originally posted by Lesser Deamon
Apparently, it wasnt a plane at all, but in fact, a missle of some description. you cannot just fob off this idea that it could have been a plane, however, the debris would have possibly scattered so far or have been so large that every reporter in that area would have noticed it. plus i think that Bush is the terrorist here and nobody else. there have been documentaries that show the possiblilty of him directly funding terrorism, so the terrorist attack could have easily been by a missle brought on the black market.

well said. my statement about "squint your eye and tilt your head" was an attempt at sarcasm. I would think that anyone with two eyes could see that it wasn't a 757 on that video. I know there had to be clearer video captured elsewhere. why not release that? especially if it didn't show that impact (taking the victim's loved ones into consideration).

even if they faked footage of a 757 passing a gas station or hotel security camera ... why not release that? why would they want to keep such doubt and fear circulating in the public? it's because when the public is scared and unsure of a situation, it turns to the government - trusting that it will keep them safe and make the decision that is best for the people.

thanks uncle sam. I was just thinking about how we should expand our presence in the middle east and bring "democracy" to a country in turmoil. it really was the best thing for america. now that I'm feeling safer about our position in the world, I think I'll go buy an Expidition to help boost the economy.

posted on Apr, 4 2007 @ 05:24 PM
The size of the boeing in the pentagon videos has been addressed in a number of threads already.

You need to consider the camera distortion (fish eye view) best seen at the pentagon wall itself and you need to consider the distance of the boeing to the camera when it entered the camera view. (check the official flight path!).

If you put this carefully all together, and I did that once in one thread, you should get a picture simulair to my one:

If not well then you or I did a mistake somewhere.

If I made none, then however you want to turn it, the pentagon video picture does not contain a boeing757. It simple does not fit in there, nighter in the white smoke nor behind that yellow box.

There was a cgi video (911 case study) somewhere on the net where they have indeed hidden that thing behind the yellow box. At the very first look it is very convincing. But if you compared their cgi with the pentagon video stils (in another ATS thread I did that also, but ok i attach the pic again) you can see that they made provable 2 very importand mistakes. Their tail start place was wrong and the yellow box end was wrong provable if you compared it with the real thing, pentagon video.
Check my pictures below.

(I don't know if this was by intend but it almost looks like because it is kinda strange that someone put so much effort into creating all this cgi and then does such blatand mistakes at the end that makes a very big different!)

If you did the correction the plane very significant sticked out of the yellow box end.

the 2 erros of that cgi video: (i dont know where on the net that video was..but the title you have here so you can find it)

And here the difference between two frames (the one before and the one with the white smoke thing) of the pentagon video:

Nothing there at the end of the yellow box like you can see.

No 757 in that pentagon video. No space to hide.

[edit on 4-4-2007 by g210b]

posted on Apr, 4 2007 @ 05:42 PM
I dont understand what your saying or trying to prove woith the pictures and stuff. If you could explain it a little better. im a bit slow so i dont know if you trying to say that it was a 747 or not.

posted on Apr, 4 2007 @ 05:44 PM
He's saying that the length of the plane, the nose should be sticking out behind that trashcan or whatever that is.

posted on Apr, 4 2007 @ 05:58 PM
No tail before Pentago behind that "trash can"

Tail before Pentagon hit behind that "trash can" with white smoke trailing.

Red circle to point out, no tail before Pentagon hit behind that "trash can"

Red circle to point out there is a tail sticking out behind "trash can" with white smoke trailing.

Look at the comparison with the Pentagon building at the far distance compare to the tail.

posted on Apr, 4 2007 @ 06:00 PM

In simple words:

1) first picture should give you a true imprission of what a 757 would look in size in the pentagon vide

2) Second shows the case study video. (size siumlare like mine!) and the fault they did to hide it behind the box.

3) I show a difference picture between the frame before the white smoke and one with the smoke wher you can see that there is nothing at the end of that yellow bos

The conclusion of all this is there is nowhere a 757 in the pentagon video.

And sorry I do not speculate what ever else it could be or not could be this pentagon videos shows.

I may put your nose on another intersting detail. Check that difference picture. It look strange, doesn't it? Big rectangle cut out maybe?
I would not wonder if the videos were edited and the really interesting part cute away. However this is not proveable because it could as well be videoartefacts.

posted on Apr, 4 2007 @ 06:11 PM
Still haven't explain why such a "missile" would have a freaking large fin on top of it in comparison to the Pentagon.

Unless the people behind this conspiracy glued it on to make it look like plane with a large tail on it just for the cameras when it hides behind the trashcan where the camera is showing.

posted on Apr, 4 2007 @ 06:23 PM
oh i understand now.....I think its a military plane. If you look at the pics you can see this dark area that looks to like the cockpit.

posted on Apr, 4 2007 @ 06:30 PM

Originally posted by deltaboy
Still haven't explain why such a "missile" would have a freaking large fin on top of it in comparison to the Pentagon.

Unless the people behind this conspiracy glued it on to make it look like plane with a large tail on it just for the cameras when it hides behind the trashcan where the camera is showing.

That is what kills all this 911 efforts.
If conspiratists would not come up with all this wired alternative theories and just would analyse what was presented as offical and point out the faults in the offical material without presenting their own faulty material..
Wohaa imagine!

posted on Apr, 4 2007 @ 08:24 PM
Some interesting info on this is being sought by airline pilots

Now for something completly off topic, anyone know what song played duing that video? send u2u please instead of posting on it.

[edit on 4-4-2007 by Slade88green]

posted on Apr, 5 2007 @ 03:38 AM

Originally posted by kozmo

Originally posted by Zaphod58

How about the video of an obvious missile entering the frame? It is about 1/5th the size of what a 757 would look like. Lack of pieces on the lawn post crash? CNN reporter standing in front of the burning Pentagon stating that a PLANE DID NOT HIT THE PENTAGON? The hole that was left by the Tomahawk missile as opposed to a gaping hole that SHOULD have been left by a commercial jet liner? The inconsistencies of the flight trajectory as evidenced by "Witness" accounts versus the actual black box? Come on man
Give me a break!

Now this is what we should be banging on and on about, proving. Well done that man!

There is too much pussyfooting around on here concerning this subject. ITS NOT A PLANE its a missile (or missile shape object) in the video. Now this is important, in the video is a shape, agreed? I'll take that as a YES. My 7yr old son could tell that its not a 757 plane but that aside, you WOULD see the plane even a small one IF IT WAS ACTUALLY THERE! (fps argument is just not good enough and very selective as to which part of the object you'd see)

Come on what is your agenda not to see this? And, the only other possibility is that the video is a fake/disinformation stunt to 'divide' opinion so on that score its successful also!

posted on Apr, 5 2007 @ 04:06 AM
Destruction of the flesh is not the ending to life, so fear not of the antichrist

posted on Apr, 5 2007 @ 07:32 AM

Originally posted by plopunisher
Destruction of the flesh is not the ending to life, so fear not of the antichrist

Kinda OT. I like that quote to (it is part of the song i have in my sig right?) Im not a rasta but i still like the quote.

posted on Apr, 5 2007 @ 05:29 PM
It's good to be back!
To just skip ahead and address the original question - the white blur, if read as a 757 on the official path at less than one second (less than one frame) from the building, would indeed be a smallish blur of something like that size - Probably Over 600 feet from the booth camera - To see the plane as close to the building as your video links wants to see, and that large, we'd've needed a frame rate of at least TWO frames per second, which we did not get. Ultimately the video sucks in numerous ways for evidence for either side, it could even be totally faked, tho it seems mostly legit to my eyes. ml

posted on Apr, 6 2007 @ 05:05 PM

Originally posted by g210b
The size of the boeing in the pentagon videos has been addressed in a number of threads already.

[...] however you want to turn it, the pentagon video picture does not contain a boeing757. It simple does not fit in there, nighter in the white smoke nor behind that yellow box.

The 9/11 Cases Study video IS wrong in hiding the plane behind the security box ahead of that "white smoke" - and considering the smoke in later frames is gray, in fact it seems the white is not smoke at all - look back at your first pic, drop that plane right down on the "smoke" and see how that lines up. The white is the plane. That's my best guess, and it fits pretty well except for the "tailfin," which admit I still can't explain.

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