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URGENT: Are these EM OR UV Radiation Waves on HOUSE

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posted on Apr, 5 2007 @ 05:09 PM

Here is a link to other photos. Notice the abnormal white out.
Notice the colors of red, yellow and teal which is like looking thru
glass in some of the photos. on this page half way down
the page their is an abnormal formation of a Red Haze Bubble clearly
seen in many of the photos on that page. The bubble is clearly seen
moving in the field of the lens, first left then right. This page has the clear
definition of this red bubble cloud too. Also these photos seem to have
got lucky too in catching many bubbles of EM spectrum that seem
to be in the same exact bubble shape as the Red haze bubbles in the
other pictures. Page 8 is filled with
red and spectrum bubbles.
You should also notice how all of a sudden the colour Teal fills the
entire picture and the image of the sun grows smaller in this
green teal field that emerged in the photos.

Something is in the atmosphere that shouldn't be. That same something is also in our oxygen supply.

Permission was given to post these other photos in these links.

posted on Apr, 5 2007 @ 05:19 PM

Permission was given to post these other photo links. You can see whiteout.
Also the other colors of red, teal, yellow in some photos it is like
looking thru a pane of glass then the pane of glass becomes a
dense powder cloud formations. Half way down the page of photos is images of a large red haze bubble. It clearly can be seen
in photos as being moveable as bubble can be seen moving to the left
and also to the right. And halfway down this page
the same large bubble shape appears this time with the EM Spectrum
clearly showing in the bubbles. And this page also.
But this page has something different also. The sky changes to teal in
the photo and the sun seems to shrink in that teal coloring.

Something is in our atmosphere that should not be their. That something
is in our oxygen supply too.

posted on Apr, 5 2007 @ 05:58 PM
Hey, anything for disclosure.

My skin hurts when exposed to direct sunlight. That reaction is almost instant. This has been going on for the past few years...15 and less.

I grew up on a farm, spending many hours out in the sun.

I have also felt things have changed. Old varieties of seed don't seem to do as well as they used to???

posted on Apr, 5 2007 @ 06:20 PM

Here is a few links of whiteout and mystery dust surfacing. This is a clean air fair video.

These are just a few. But I am sure if you turn on your tv set, any
news show that is doing a story outside during the day is now
trying to avoid showing the whiteout. When I first viewed the dust story
their was a shot of the air and it had whiteout. It seems to be removed

posted on Apr, 5 2007 @ 07:22 PM

Water tested in various areas of California has been showing since
1999 an increased level of Specific Condutance or higher magnetic
properties than normal.

Maybe the same is happening around your area is why certain seeds
not taking root like they used to.

posted on Apr, 5 2007 @ 08:16 PM

Need more examples of whiteout, turn on the golf channel, whiteout
all over the place filming The Masters Tournament

posted on Apr, 6 2007 @ 02:10 AM
I cant see anything unusual in these photos. I must be blind to this effect or something

posted on Apr, 6 2007 @ 02:17 PM
You asked for examples of white out. It was showed to you. So now
that the whiteout examples have been shown as true, you need to
discredit the EM spectrum.

The EM (UV) spectrum should not be appearing in photographs as readily
as it is of recently. Something is trapping light then in our atmosphere
for this phenomena to start to become apparent.

I guess it is someone's job to make it the norm for the masses.

posted on Apr, 15 2007 @ 07:31 AM

How come when ever someone questions what your saying you call them a debunker and suggest they are paid or something to say it?

It it possible that you are wrong and someone else it right? Can you accept that may have got it wrong and that someone else could know more than you, or am I just another paid debunker, in a global conspiracy against you.

5.1 billion people all spying on you maybe?

posted on May, 3 2007 @ 03:43 PM

Same waves. Maybe it is not EM, but it is definitely sometype
of RF signal sine wave.

posted on May, 3 2007 @ 04:48 PM

Originally posted by endrna

Water tested in various areas of California has been showing since
1999 an increased level of Specific Condutance or higher magnetic
properties than normal.

Maybe the same is happening around your area is why certain seeds
not taking root like they used to.

Water contamination is a big issue on farms in this area.

Plants, in general, seem to get fried more quickly these days. They still mature and produce, but plants seem to get old looking too fast.

Things are just not like they were 40 years ago. Are there any other stewards of the land in here, that notice this?

posted on May, 4 2007 @ 06:10 AM

Originally posted by endrna

Same waves. Maybe it is not EM, but it is definitely sometype
of RF signal sine wave.

This is where you are being burnt dude. EM or electromagnetic waves refers to the entire spectrum. As in every thing that is emitted from any source. RF or radio frequency is just a part of the electromagic spectum that radios use. A sine in this form is an alternating wave.

Your sentences don't make any sense.

posted on May, 9 2007 @ 09:44 PM
Hey Enderna,

You may be onto something, but you might want to colleate the data in a more meaniful way. You should also try contacting the UV guys at the NASA TOM's sight and see if they'll give you any data on recent changes in the UV field.

Personally, I think there is other evidence of this increase or change in UV radiation and Win52 hit on it also. The other evidence may lay with the recent CCD of honey bee deaths. Bee's are one bell weather species that relies on UV eyesight to find both the right flowers and their pathways back to the nest. There are other factors involved, but since the bee's are dying away from the nest, there is currently nothing but wild speculation about the cause. If there is an actual increase or change in the UV specturm at ground then insects like bee's would be effected.

Rather than waste engery trying to convince people here, what you think is going on, you should look for more proof that something is happening!!

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