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Mad Cow Disease Spreads.

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posted on Dec, 28 2003 @ 10:13 PM
I just found this out. Apparently, infected meat was sent to 8 different US states including Alaska, Montana, Idaho, Hawaii, California, Nevada, Oregon and the US territory of Guam. Hopefullly this epidemic comes under control, and as i understand we are trying to figure out where the infected cow first came from. Hopefully this disease will not spread to people as it would prove to be a horrible event. I pray that that does not happen and to those states that the disease does not spread anymore. What do you think will come out of this turn of events?

posted on Dec, 28 2003 @ 10:14 PM
Here is a link to the full story:

posted on Dec, 28 2003 @ 10:15 PM
I fear that this "small" outbreak is only the begining. I for one will not be eating beef any time soon.

[Edited on 28-12-2003 by Ocelot]

posted on Dec, 28 2003 @ 10:17 PM
I think it's all a big conspiracy set in motion by the pork-belly buyers.

posted on Dec, 28 2003 @ 10:18 PM
[Edited on 28-12-2003 by Ocelot]

posted on Dec, 28 2003 @ 10:25 PM
link 793972154

posted on Jan, 2 2004 @ 03:46 PM
USDA Quarantines Third of Washington Herd

Associated Press Writer

DeHaven says investigators are still searching for most of the cows that may have eaten contaminated feed.

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Authorities have quarantined a third herd of Washington state cattle in a widening investigation of mad cow disease after they located another cow from the same Canadian herd as the infected cow.

At least some cows quarantined since the discovery last month of a Holstein with the brain-wasting disease will be destroyed, either because of possible exposure to the infection or to quell public fear, Dr. Ron DeHaven, the Agriculture Department's chief veterinarian, said Friday.

[Edited on 1-2-2004 by Svengali]

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