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A howdy-ho from Cowboy Clint

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posted on Apr, 2 2007 @ 10:15 AM
Hello ATS, I'm Cowboy Clint. I'm real excited to be joining the forums here!

For a long while I've been searching for a paranormal forum site to join. However, most forums are:

A) Too small
B) Filled with total nuts
C) Filled with mocking skeptics
D) Backed by some new age cult or society

I first heard of ATS on the Paracast a few weeks ago. Since then I've been lurking and I really like what I see. There seems to be many level headed individuals here. (along with a few kooks to make things interesting!) And there's plenty of things to see and do.

As for intrests, I think I'll mostly be staying in the green folder forums for now. Cryptozoology, ghosts, ancient civilizations, UFOs and history are my big intrests. Conspiracy theories are a nice read from time, but the whole thing quickly turns to silly the more you read into it, IMHO.

Personal info, I'm a guy who lives in TN and I have lived in FL and NY. (Upstate NY, not New York City! There is a diffrence!) I have a BA in illustration and work as a Freelance Artist. I also enjoy teaching art classes at the local art center. I like hiking and the works of Robert E. Howard.

Thanks for having me on, ATS members! I'll see you on the forums!

[edit on 2-4-2007 by Cowboy Clint]

posted on Apr, 2 2007 @ 10:27 AM
Hi Cowboy Clint,

Welcome to ATS,ATSNN,BTS,abovepolitics,tinWiki.orG and Ignorance Denied.

I'm sure you will find our many fora of great interest and I look foward to reading your posts.

Please take a moment to read the Terms And Conditions Of Use of, LLP.

Smokin' BBQ Threads is the one stop place for all your ATS Board Questions & Answers.

Zedd's Handbook of ATS Links is the ATS "Users Manual".

Feel free to send me or any staff member a U2U if you have any questions.

Enjoy your time here, and happy posting.


posted on Apr, 2 2007 @ 10:28 AM
Hey Cowboy

Welcome to ATS enjoy your foraging...

posted on Apr, 2 2007 @ 11:17 AM
Hello, and welcome to ATS, Cowboy Clint!

Be sure to get yourself familar with the T&C - Don't want to break any rules

Also check out BTS - A laid back place to joke around and talk about any subject you could imagine.

As well as Above Politics all your Politic interests.

HERE is your very own customizable ATS profile. Tell a little about yourself and leave comments on other member's profiles.

And above all, have fun


posted on Apr, 2 2007 @ 04:57 PM
Welcome, !

The ATS Freshman's Forum is a great place to discuss the complexities of the ATS universe and to get advice from rookies and veterans alike.

Asala has a new member thread here: Hey new members!! Come here if you need advice.

There are lots of handy tips available in the Handbook of ATS Links.

Here are some Important Website-Related Threads.

Configuring your MyATS page is the easiest way to put the ATS universe at your fingertips.

Be sure to check out Social Issues on AbovePolitics. I'm sure you will find the atmosphere to be friendly, enlightening, and rewarding.

Here's an excellent little, unobtrusive spell checker, in case you need one: IESpell 2.1.1 build 325

A convenient text editor also comes in handy when composing those epic posts: EditPad Lite.

Sooner or later you will find a use for TinyURL!™

Don’t forget to set up the comments section in your profile, so folks can drop by to say, “Hi!” All it takes is a “Howdy” from you to get the ball rolling.

Oh, and visit the Automotive Discussion forum.


[edit on 2007/4/2 by GradyPhilpott]

posted on Apr, 2 2007 @ 05:24 PM
Welcome to ATS, Glad you joined up and i look forward to seeing you on the board,

Heres some info to help you, but feel free to u2u me if you have questions,

If you feel you have any questions visit my thread
Hey new members!! Come here if you need advice

Below is A hand book of links that may help you answer some questions you have, ie, what are points ect....this is Zedds great link book for ATS use

If you have any questions feel free to u2u me
You will find your u2u's in the member center

also need help getting your avatar up (or pic in your profile) check out this link
Avatar, Pic in profile help


AVATAR: The Ultimate Help

Want to post a pic in your thread.
how to post a pic on a thread

want to change your password to something you remember? lookin the member center, there you can edit your profile and password

and heres my thread on HOW TO POST
and what all the buttons mean

posted on Apr, 2 2007 @ 10:27 PM
Hey there Cowboy Clint !, with all your interests written above, you'll fit right into this maze of thoughts. Welcome to Above Top Secret, enjoy !!


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