posted on Apr, 1 2007 @ 01:41 PM
I've thought about this question a lot, I mean I'm
only 16 yrs old, but I believe in all the alien stuff,
though I've never seen an alien or even a UFO.
Well, until two weeks ago.
It was a Thursday, the evening was just settling in
and my parents were watching a sit-com downstairs.
I live in a small town in the UK and nothing ever
happens here, until a couple of weeks ago.
I regulary browse this site and I was wondering how
aliens aquire their technology. Do they just steal it?
Do they barter for it or buy it? I was pondering this
when I glanced out of my bedroom window.
My mom had just asked me to turn 'My Chemical
Romance' CD down and I had just looked at my Slip
Knot Grimace bedside clock. It was 7.15pm.
The streetlights were just coming on and the No.247
bus had just stopped at the corner of my street and
what I saw getting off the bus startled me.
There were two of them, a man carrying a badly-dented
backpack and someone who I first thought was a woman.
It was the stride and swagger on the second figure that
told me this was a man, although his attire said otherwise.
He was dressed in a Bo Peep-style dress and lurched down
the street carrying a curled shepherd's crook.
I 'oggled' at this strange sight and wondered what was going
on. The evening was warm, the rain had stopped a few hours
ago. I quietly opened my window and listened to their conversation
wafting up from the street.
What I heard disturbed me, the guy with the back-pack was muttering
about aliens and how they had ruined his life. The 'dressed-up guy' was
ahead and nodded at times, but he seemed to want to race forward,
as if he had an urgent quest.
I had just heard the 'Back-pack Man' say how he was gonna get his
revenge on the Reptilians who had plagued his life, when I banged my elbow
on the sill. They both stopped and looked up at me.
I ducked down and held my breath. I felt foolish, I was safe in my own home
and my parents were downstairs. I looked nervously over the window sill
into the night.
The two men were still there and Bo-Peep called up "It's okay kid, we're
the normal ones".
I gingerly stood up and waved, they both waved back. I could see the
back-pack man's face glow red, due to a cigar he was smoking and his
craggy features made me think of a veteran soldier, lost but not beaten.
Bo Peep's face was just shadow under the lace bonnet.
I took a chance and grabbed my biker jacket. I don't have a motorcycle,
but I like the look. I shinnied down the drainpipe and trotted across our
lawn, watching the standing strangers all the time.
I checked my pocket for my mobile phone as I closed on them, but they
just both turned away and set off continuing their trek.
I shrugged and fell in line.
I asked the question you've asked, Bo Peep snorted and said "If they
do... they owe me a lot of it!" I nodded and focused on the road ahead.
Now there were three of us.
I'll continue later.