posted on Apr, 1 2007 @ 04:43 PM
Would an alien threat unite the planet?
And why not? Because one only needs to look at a devastating threat to our world's population that's already in our mist, the bird flu virus, to see
how various countries around the world are collaborating with WHO to prevent a world-wide pandemic.
Indonesia which has had the most bird flu fatalities (61 out of 81 cases) in the world so far, had only just recently resumed supplying WHO with their
bird flu viruses (WHO tracks those mutations of this virus) because they were concerned that those new vaccines produced by commercial drug companies
would not be available to developing countries, such as their own.
So because they didn't think that's FAIR (and of course it's not), they chose to withhold all samples of their virus outbreak until they were
reassured by WHO that they too would have access to these new updated vaccines -- but many weeks went by until those reassurances and agreements were
finally agreed upon.
So here we have a case of one country with-holding valuable potentially life saving virus samples from the rest of the world until they got what they
wanted from WHO. And here we also have an international agency that should not have allowed this to happen in the first place! Indonesia obviously had
legitimate suspicions that they would not have access to those new vaccines or else they would not have stopped supplying WHO with their samples!
I'm just saying that it's incidents like this that prevent nations from all around the world from collaborating jointly to prevent a world wide
threat of any kind. So for this reason, I seriously doubt that the world would unite in a truly productive and effective manner against a hostile
alien takeover; if that were to ever occur. Because we would royally botch it up BIG TIME even if we all agreed to cooperate and unite against this
enemy -- in other words, it would be another Tower of Babel. We would all end up squabbling because of perceived slights and misunderstandings where
no real united front against such an enemy would ever get off and running to defeat the enemy. I think this is obvious.