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EARTH HOUR - Sat., March 31

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posted on Mar, 30 2007 @ 10:59 AM
EARTH HOUR - 7.30pm to 8.30pm - Saturday March 31, 2007

Earth Hour is a fabulous opportunity for you and your family to do
something about climate change. On one night, in one hour, more will
done, more will be demonstrated, and more will be learned than
through a
hundred 'talk-fests' . And you can help make it happen.

What is Earth Hour?

It sounds simple, but it is very, very dramatic. At 7.30pm on March
2007, we will be encouraging companies, government departments,
individuals and families to turn off their lights for just one hour.
we meet our objectives during the first Earth Hour, the savings in
house gas emissions will be the equivalent of taking 75,000 medium
cars off the road for one whole year! Now that's something worth


The facts are alarmingly clear:

* The climate is changing! The 10 hottest years on record have
occurred since 1990. In fact 2005 was the hottest year since record

* More than 95% of the Great Barrier Reef will have been destroyed
by 2050 if carbon dioxide emissions aren't reduced. (WWF-
* One million species worldwide are facing extinction due to
climate change.

But not everybody listens to the facts. Earth Hour is your
to demonstrate how a simple change in our way of life could change,
help save, our planet.

The goals of Earth Hour:

Households : Most of us use unnecessary electricity. Appliances on
standby, old style light bulbs, lights left on when we're not using
them. Earth Hour will help us all to realise just how simply we can
a dramatic impact upon global warming (and our own power bills). We
see it in action.

Companies : We want companies to be involved. If every company turned
off its lights when the buildings weren't in use, and
combined it with energy saving technology, we would save between 2
and 4
million tonnes of greenhouse gasses every year. Earth Hour will show
companies just how easy that is.

To make it an annual event : Out of the 8,766 hours in a year, let's
give one back to the earth.

What you can do:

Sign up to Earth Hour and Pledge to turn off your lights on March 31st
from 7.30pm to 8.30pm by logging onto www.earthhour. org

You will receive all the information you need to make Earth Hour a
success (and to cut your own energy bills in the long term). Pledging

Get off standby : Turn off all the electronic equipment and appliances
in your home that are not being used or are on standby. Computers,
televisions, stereo equipment, phone chargers, DVD or video

Tell a friend : Spread the word about earth Hour by involving your
friends, family and workmates. Get them to pledge at and
most importantly, turn off the lights at 7.30pm Saturday 31 March

Spread the word - Once you have signed up for Earth Hour tell a
spread the word at work; tell your boss; mention it at school, at your
local sports club or society group, you can even run it past your

Make it an event. Get your family and friends to switch off their
lights as well;
Take some binoculars and look at the stars; sit and talk by
Explore your backyard by torchlight;
Have fun with sparklers; or just do something non-electric as a
Have a picnic-at-dusk; pretend you are camping; or have a candlelight

For more info on Earth Hour, check out www.earthhour. org


posted on Mar, 30 2007 @ 11:20 AM
Boy, did they pick a bad night for that! It ain't gonna happen with the Final Four college basketball tourneys on that night! LOL!

posted on Mar, 30 2007 @ 12:37 PM
Great idea I'll turn of my lights, but the Gators play tonight so the TV stays on sorry. BTW is the time EST or..

posted on Mar, 30 2007 @ 12:44 PM
I will not be participating in this event, because the whole concept of Global Warming is distorted information...aka one big LIE.

Humans produce less than 1% of the total global Co2 each year...

The oceans contain the majority of the Co2, and the release of which is dependant on temperature...

And what governs the temperature of the oceans...


Global Warming is just another excuse for the NWO to take away more freedoms, shift the balance of wealth (making life more expensive) etc.

Climate change is happening on all the other planets in our solar system.

It is to do with 2012, and it can not be stopped.

posted on Mar, 30 2007 @ 01:05 PM
Implied, good point, I forgot to add that. Whatever time zone you are in, when it's 7:30 in your time zone, lights out. I do understand about the game, and whatever you can do to cut electricity is much appreciated. Perhaps some of you can get together at a friend's house and watch the game together, so there's less TV's operating?
Thanks for the interest, Implied, and I hope your side wins the game!

posted on Mar, 20 2008 @ 12:28 PM
I will be keeping my lights on and hopefully taking beautiful pictures of a darkened night sky.

As an IT guy, I know that when updating a live system, files can't be updated if they're in use. What is the solution? Reboot!

Well, if you look at this 'hour', is it possible that certain measures will be in place during the outage and can't go live until we all 'reboot'?

How is turning off lights for an hour going to save the planet?

Here's my solution on how to save the planet:

stop all wars and war budgets, and use that money to feed, clothe, and shelter every person on the planet. We can there explore outer space together, in peace. (Thank you Bill Hicks)

I am sure that by then we'll be seeing much brighter stars

posted on Mar, 20 2008 @ 11:15 PM

* The climate is changing! The 10 hottest years on record have
occurred since 1990. In fact 2005 was the hottest year since record
keeping began.

What record? The last hundred years? Thousand? Million? Ten?

The only one that doesn't bely your statement is ten... 1934 was the hottest year since man began recording it.

* More than 95% of the Great Barrier Reef will have been destroyed
by 2050 if carbon dioxide emissions aren't reduced. (WWF-

I love reefs (I keep a tiny one in my house) and understand these ecosystems, I can safely say, more than the average Joe. The reason hot weather kills true coral is because their critical symbionts (a tiny dinoflagellate, called zooxanthellae) can't stand the heat; not because the coral animal itself is susceptible. However, the corals can over time switch to a more tolerant symbiont, rendering small heat increases harmless. A far greater threat stems from destructive fishing methods (cyanide, dynamite, trawling) and poisons brought in by pollution and, to a smaller degree, careless tourists. Neither of which the Great Barrier Reef is critically susceptible to, because of increased regulations on the part of the Australian gov't.

* One million species worldwide are facing extinction due to
climate change.

And which species might those be? The same ones that survived the Holocene Maximum and are in fact in little to no danger from an AGW as predicted by the IPCC?

I conserve enough electricity in my home as it is. We only have a single tungsten light and overall are energy efficient. I cannot turn off the highest drain on our electricity, the "reef tank" I alluded to earlier, so this Earth Hour is not feasible for me. Good thing it's pedantic anyways.

posted on Mar, 20 2008 @ 11:34 PM
Ah Me Lady, as usual your thread is informative and beautifully written as well as thought provoking.

Yes Count us in.

Contact me via u2u I want to share something with you...

Blessings, J.

posted on Mar, 20 2008 @ 11:47 PM

Originally posted by quintar
How is turning off lights for an hour going to save the planet?

Here's my solution on how to save the planet:

stop all wars and war budgets, and use that money to feed, clothe, and shelter every person on the planet. We can there explore outer space together, in peace. (Thank you Bill Hicks)

I am sure that by then we'll be seeing much brighter stars

Amen to that! If 911 is the gorilla in the room that no one talks about, the military machine is the blue whale.

I will turn my lights off.

[edit on 20-3-2008 by stikkinikki]

posted on Mar, 21 2008 @ 10:03 AM
Hey ... FYI ... Earth Hour is on Saturday, MARCH 29th, NOT Monday the 31st
Earth Hour Website

[edit on 21-3-2008 by AirWitch]

posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 02:17 AM
I will turn my lights off, contributing for the chance to once again see a glimpse of our galaxy, the Milky Way.

posted on Mar, 26 2008 @ 10:04 AM

posted on Mar, 26 2008 @ 10:08 AM
Just 1 day? whats the point? no offence but it's just a waste of time.

Good idea maybe, but in the end 1 day is nothing.

Edit: wait just 1 hour! lol.

Edit agin: hey guys this is last year! lol.

[edit on 26-3-2008 by _Phoenix_]

posted on Mar, 26 2008 @ 10:12 AM
reply to post by _Phoenix_

Well it is better then nothing,

if we can not get the governments of the world and the people of the world to do any better, then i will settle for one day.

[edit on 26-3-2008 by darcon]

posted on Mar, 26 2008 @ 10:12 AM
Double post, Sorry

[edit on 26-3-2008 by darcon]

posted on Mar, 28 2008 @ 06:53 PM
woot, Im probibly going to sound like some idiot, but I think this is going to be heaps cool. Im kinda hopeing that they turn my street lights off. Its a heaps good time to see the stars then... and same for all the city people too as they can never see them lol.


posted on Mar, 29 2008 @ 09:13 PM
Thankyou from my children and myself, for the most beautiful and spiritual hour. See your profile for more of our precious Earth Hour experience.
Namaste my dear forestlady

posted on Mar, 29 2008 @ 09:20 PM
Well we have had it over here ( being a day in front of most of you) and apparently made a considerable difference !!


Energy authorities say the impact of last night's Earth Hour event was the equivalent of two large power stations being temporarily shut down.

National landmarks like the Sydney Opera House and Melbourne's Federation Square were dimmed, as lights were switched-off across the country to help combat global warming.

Paul Bird from the National Electricity Market Management Company says it prompted a sizeable drop in demand for power.


Well done..... if only to raise awareness



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