posted on Apr, 3 2007 @ 05:56 PM
Check out his "Distorted Morality", amongst other works.
He's one of the biggest critics of Isreali policy out there.
My view is that the israeli's arent exactly the problem, aside from "13 bloodlines" theories and allegations, the problem is American Imperialism
One has to wonder what our extremist fascination with Israel is really about... ?
Ever consider that maybe it's just the permanent Middle Eastern (US) imperial beachhead-fortress?
Why else would we really care that much about it? This affliction runs rather paramount amongst all US politicians and etc, and so does the ongoing
American Imperialism agenda.
There was a stretch of time where I blew off Chimsky after being initially exposed to him thru that infamous clip where he states "who cares if a few
thousand peple died", or whatever he said about 911.
Now, with my evolved view, I get the feeling that perhaps he rubs it liek that because here's a man who's been trying to expose American Imperialism
and the indoctrinating elitist media system for some 40 plus years, and he's basically gotten nowhere. Perhaps in his view, if people cant come to
terms with this most basic truth (I call it the FIRST Truth), then how can they the masses) ever comes to terms with the (assuming it US-based) 9/11
conspirators, or anything beyond that? While he doesnt state this view very clearly, and perhaps its not his view and reasons for those statements (i
cant speak FOR him), this is what i've learned from all of this. And as it turns out, the key to understanding ANY view of 911 in full clarity
requires first understanding the true nature of this system.
[edit on 3-4-2007 by IgnoranceIsntBlisss]