posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 11:19 AM
I suspect that psychic phenomenon is better utilized to end warfare, than to promote it.
The psychic abilities of one's allies increase least entropically, when they increase least competitively. In addition to becoming more powerful
psychics, I think one's allies should be using their telepathic abilities to become wiser human beings.
Enlightenment and psychic abilities can be shared in the exact same way. Enlightenment should be shared first so that you can establish a very high
probability of trust amongst your friends.
Unconditional love can be triggered through meditation by focusing on love, concentrating on releasing all other emotions, maintaining a still posture
for as long as it takes to liberate the heart from the ego. A disciplined practice of kindness and no blame.
Unconditional love can be triggered telepathically. If you have achieved an indiscriminately loving state of consciousness, and you have friends who
also want to experience such a thing, communicate your emotion to them through telepathic group meditations – and help them let go of egotistical
Psychic abilities can be triggered telepathically if you communicate the exact thought process you experience when using them, to your friends.
Bookreader: my understanding is this. At every level of reality, energy transfer occurs constantly. The smaller the component in vibration, the less
often it encounters resistance, & the faster it travels. Thought interacts with subtle vibrations because it is itself such a subtle vibration.
Wherever attention travels in one's imagination, it travels through physical reality – because a signal is sent to that location.
I think this thread underestimates the extent psychic research is covered up – a universally loving resistance movement, dedicated to objective free
thinking, expanding globally, is the best weapon against psychic warfare I can think of.
Here's an idea, only applicable if you can astral travel/remote view: look up all the locations in the world most likely to be populated by
trustworthy psychics, try to find an objective method of verifying they are trustworthy beforehand – then, without being intrusive about it, travel
to them from the astral plane and introduce yourself. At that point, language is less a barrier because telepathy provides one the ability to
communicate in terms of meaning, rather than in terms of abstraction.
Nonviolent mystical communities, such as those located in the Himalayas, might be a good starting point . . . To determine trustworthiness, study past
behavioral patterns. Introduce yourself and your purpose, "knock", rather than barging right in.
What do the most ancient psychic communities in the world, wherever they may be, think of psychic warfare?