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WTC7 in laymen's terms

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posted on Mar, 29 2007 @ 06:31 PM
On 911 there were 3 target's hit by planes, and a 4th plane fell to the ground in Shanksville. So there must of been another target for the 4th plane to hit before it hit the ground. Could it have been targeting WTC7?
1. World Trade Center 1. (hit by a plane "supposedly")
2. World Trade Center 2. (hit by a plane "supposedly")
3. World Trade Center 7. (was brought down by a control demolition 5 hours after 1&2 fell. )
4. Pentagon. (hit by a plane "supposedly")

3. World Trade Center 7.

posted on Mar, 29 2007 @ 06:53 PM
The plane that never found it's target and the building that collapsed but was never hit.

Well not everything goes according to plan I guess.

posted on Mar, 29 2007 @ 07:51 PM
The plane was allegedly headed towards the white house

posted on Mar, 29 2007 @ 08:11 PM
Who cares if it was alledgedly going anywhere, teh fact remains that they wouldnt strap bombs to a building unless they wanted the show to look like another pearl harbor, where planes are slamming into buildings, in new york city i would think 3 planes would be a renactment of pearl harbor, not just mearly 2. They didn't want it to look like they were attacking only corporate america. They wanted it to look like they were hitting Manhatten with planes.

posted on Mar, 29 2007 @ 08:11 PM

Originally posted by ImpliedChaos
The plane was allegedly headed towards the white house


[edit on 29-3-2007 by In nothing we trust]

posted on Mar, 29 2007 @ 09:27 PM
I think the WTC7 building was supposed to have been demolished as one of the main towers fell. In an attempt to hide the reason for its collapse. Reason being to hide evidence of this crime or others. Something went wrong so it came down late.

I have no idea how Secret Service agent Craig Miller managed to die inside the WTC7. I can't exactly blame the dead, but who knows? Maybe he was supposed to press the demolition button at a specific moment, but screwed up so he was offed for the srew up. I'm speculating too much and will stop now.

[edit on 29-3-2007 by Frith]

posted on Mar, 30 2007 @ 06:34 AM
You have to look at it from the view point of the people who planned this attack. Considering that we "know" this was a inside job. The people who created this inside job would NOT plan for a plane, namely Flight 93, to crash in Shanksville. They could NOT plan to demolish a building 5 hours after the first 2 were pulled.

As for this Secret Service Miller person, he could have possibly have been a patriot that was murdered in cold blood inside the building, before the building was pulled.

Miller being murdered wouldn't be far from the truth because something tells me that the original flight planes were landed elsewhere, where they executed all the passengers.
- Reports of the original plane landing at its destination only to be led to a secret location. Where the bodies were killed and hidden by the federal govt.
- Hollywood releases a movie about Flight 93 specifically in 2006, why didn't hollywood release a movie about the pentagon crash. That would seem like a more interesting plot to a story. Of course it was to backup their original lies.
- Some truth videos, amature videos, captures individuals saying that it didn't look like a commercial airliner. "It looked like a military plane."

posted on Mar, 30 2007 @ 02:07 PM
Take out the center posts and the building falls in.

A crink in WTC 7 was pointed out in one video.

Don't know why fire men could not save it or why Guliani took
so long getting out.

I mean Tower One hit I'm going up to Central Park to get out of the area.
The streets will be blocked with all kinds of activity just from that.

Live video feeds were then focused on Tower One, I don't recall much
looking at the South tower.

Who knows when the sub basements went down. The whole area should
have been roped off and those Crime Scene people should have put
put their heads together on every bit of evidence.

No it was all brushed under the table.

22 executives at the Smithsonian make more than the vice President,
6 make more than the President.

[edit on 3/30/2007 by TeslaandLyne]

posted on Mar, 30 2007 @ 03:03 PM
Excuse me, but I'm just becoming aware of the 911-Bldg7 demolition theory for the first time after seeing a Rosie O'Donnel YouTube clip talking about this. (I usually stay in the UFO part of ATS)

Question from a newbie - Who would put explosives in WTC7 and for what underlying reason? All I see in this forum is people saying that it was done, but not WHY and BY WHOM. Please enlighten. Thanks in advance.
-CWM (Chicago)

posted on Mar, 30 2007 @ 03:31 PM

Originally posted by carewemust
Who would put explosives in WTC7 and for what underlying reason?

That's what I want to know too. We can guess, but it's not like anyone that would actually know has explained it, just as no one has explained how exactly the building could have possibly come down like that at all.

posted on Mar, 30 2007 @ 08:53 PM

Originally posted by Frith
I have no idea how Secret Service agent Craig Miller managed to die inside the WTC7. Maybe he was supposed to press the demolition button ...

Looks like secret service agent Craig Miller went down with WTC 7 and ex-FBI counter-terrorism chief John O'neil went down with the last twin tower to fall.

I wonder if there was some confusion about weather or not they should go through with the WTC 7 demolition after flight 93 failed to strike WTC 7.

[edit on 30-3-2007 by In nothing we trust]

posted on Mar, 30 2007 @ 08:57 PM
They took down building seven because it housed many federal authorities. It is speculated by many to be the command post from where 911 was planned and carried out. Search ATS for "WTC7 housed Secret Service". Apparently WTC7 had entities inside the building including the Secret Service, Mayor Guiliani, and other federal authorities. That is why WTC7 was more "fire proof" than any other building. Apparently it also contained some kind of bunker. It also had computers of some sort I think I heard about which.

Why WTC7? Simply because it hosted NUMEROUS Federal Level People and Offices.

And the number one reason they pulled WTC7 and planted explosives in it. Because they wanted a plane to hit it, and then pull it by remote detonation shortly after.

If they were to not pull WTC7 after the mishap with Flight 93, we would have a building strapped with bombs that took almost 6 whole weeks to prepare. It was obvious they could not remove the explosives in a short time + they didn't want sensitive material to be leaked out somehow that were contained in that building.

WTC7 was pulled because removing the planted explosives would take too long and probably receive public attention. You have to understand that the way the building fell suggests it was prepped for a controlled demolition. Once the building is prepped and the plan doesn't go as it should, they will still pull the building because it already has been "prepped".

posted on Mar, 31 2007 @ 03:28 AM

Originally posted by rrahim1
If they were to not pull WTC7 after the mishap with Flight 93, we would have a building strapped with bombs that took almost 6 whole weeks to prepare. It was obvious they could not remove the explosives in a short time + they didn't want sensitive material to be leaked out somehow that were contained in that building.

WTC 7 - The destruction of evidence linking the offices of the CIA (foriegn intelligence), Secret Service (Treasury intelligence), FBI (Domestic intelligence), IRS (Collection agency for the bank), and banks (Standard Chartered Bank) which funded Al Queda through the New York Federal Reserve Bank to the Rothschilds (The bank), supporters of Isreal, and the Bank of England.

Building 7 was rigged they had to pull it, even though flight 93 never found it's target. How exactly did the government know that flight 93 was headed towards the whitehouse? Sure would look suspicious if flight 93 were headed towards New York, now wouldn't it. So why not re-direct speculation towards Washington.

[edit on 31-3-2007 by In nothing we trust]

posted on Mar, 31 2007 @ 10:06 PM

Originally posted by In nothing we trust
WTC 7 - The destruction of evidence linking the offices of the CIA (foriegn intelligence), Secret Service (Treasury intelligence), FBI (Domestic intelligence), IRS (Collection agency for the bank), and banks (Standard Chartered Bank) which funded Al Queda through the New York Federal Reserve Bank to the Rothschilds (The bank), supporters of Isreal, and the Bank of England.

And don't forget SEC (Stock market Intelligence)

WTC 7 was New World Order HQ

[edit on 31-3-2007 by In nothing we trust]

posted on Mar, 31 2007 @ 10:07 PM
John O'neil was counter-intelligence wasn't he?

posted on Mar, 31 2007 @ 10:16 PM

Originally posted by In nothing we trust

Originally posted by rrahim1
If they were to not pull WTC7 after the mishap with Flight 93, we would have a building strapped with bombs that took almost 6 whole weeks to prepare. It was obvious they could not remove the explosives in a short time + they didn't want sensitive material to be leaked out somehow that were contained in that building.

WTC 7 - The destruction of evidence linking the offices of the CIA (foriegn intelligence), Secret Service (Treasury intelligence), FBI (Domestic intelligence), IRS (Collection agency for the bank), and banks (Standard Chartered Bank) which funded Al Queda through the New York Federal Reserve Bank to the Rothschilds (The bank), supporters of Isreal, and the Bank of England.

Building 7 was rigged they had to pull it, even though flight 93 never found it's target. How exactly did the government know that flight 93 was headed towards the whitehouse? Sure would look suspicious if flight 93 were headed towards New York, now wouldn't it. So why not re-direct speculation towards Washington.

[edit on 31-3-2007 by In nothing we trust]

I'm sorry Flight 93 was targeted at WTC 7? so why was it heading towards Washington ?

posted on Mar, 31 2007 @ 10:25 PM

Originally posted by Stateofgrace
I'm sorry Flight 93 was targeted at WTC 7? so why was it heading towards Washington ?

Why do you think flight 93 was headed towards washington?

Because that's what they told you?

As you can see from the graph, flight 175 could very well have been headed towards washington before it changed course. How the hell do they know where flight 93 was headed?

posted on Mar, 31 2007 @ 10:28 PM

Originally posted by In nothing we trust

Originally posted by Stateofgrace
I'm sorry Flight 93 was targeted at WTC 7? so why was it heading towards Washington ?

Why do you think flight 93 was headed towards washington?

Because that's what they told you?

As you can see from the graph, flight 175 could very well have been headed towards washington before it changed course. How the hell do they know where flight 93 was headed?

Oh I see but you seem to know it was heading for WTC 7, correct?

care to explain how you know ?

posted on Mar, 31 2007 @ 10:31 PM

Originally posted by Stateofgrace
Oh I see but you seem to know it was heading for WTC 7, correct?

care to explain how you know ?

An educated guess.

Question: Let's see now, crystal ball, where was flight 93 headed?

Answer: How many buildings were hit and how many fell down?

Question: Crystal ball please be more specific.

Answer: How many buildings fell down without being hit?

[edit on 31-3-2007 by In nothing we trust]

posted on Mar, 31 2007 @ 10:34 PM

Originally posted by In nothing we trust

Originally posted by Stateofgrace
Oh I see but you seem to know it was heading for WTC 7, correct?

care to explain how you know ?

An educated guess.

Question: Let's see now, crystal ball, where was flight 93 headed?

Answer: How many buildings were hit and how many fell down?

So why did the guy who planned 911 say it was targeted at Washington? Was that an educated guess?

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