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Another 9/11

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posted on Mar, 31 2007 @ 05:24 PM

Originally posted by Watchful1

Originally posted by David2012

(hmm that timetraveller.. what was his name? comes to mind.. didn't he predict a us civil war? ok we're past 2005 but then again we are in an alternate timeline to his (if at all true ... personally I didn't take him at all seriously)

A civil war seems all too real of a possibility given the gap between backwoods midwestern cowboy philosophy and metaphysicaly established information intense states such as NY and CA.

That's my point. if they are at all smart they wouldn't make another almost obvious false flag op. they wouldn't want their people against them.

The biggest enemy to any government is it's citizens (provided not everyone is too scared and just takes it but instead stands up.)

I'm just adding a reason why another self inflicted wound might not happen.

what's the white house gonna do when 50 million people suddenly say.. hey just wait a second... nuke them all? a government of a dead populace isn't a government at all

(this is exactly why fear is such a usefull weapon.. keep the people from standng up)

But seriously, I'm far more concerned by consequences then what the white house thinks it can pull off.

Like the example of coast vs inland civil war.. nukes are controlled by inland so game over.. well that's a far bigger game over then just for the coast.

europe inc. uk would cry out against such an athrocity, the uk and especially france (they hate the usa). would point their nukes at the us, iran would too either another humanity cry out or just exploiting the weakened state of the us. missiles will get launched towards the us from different countries, the us would do the same against those countries... you know there's only a limited amount of nukes you can detonate within a short timespan on this planet before you reach a point of no return.. where we all lose.

also attacking iran.. don't they have nukes?.. I thought iran is a nuclear power? I highly doubt they can't get a nuke off to e.g. new york before the us disables all the facilities... now one city, one nuke might be acceptable to the likes of bush.. but the people at the target zone?

not to mention the iranians.. they aren't all like teheran they are human beings.. you know.. emotions, they feel pain, they bleed.. they have family they love and care about...

I'm just appaled at human civilization throughout history.. I'm really not proud to be a human

Ps. I'd like to note I'm not fully sober at the moment. (it's saturday

[edit on 31-3-2007 by David2012]

posted on Mar, 31 2007 @ 08:01 PM
I believe they will do another 9/11. There going to set off a small nuke in a city like Detroit. They will say that there are three or four more nukes in the USA but they don't know what citys there in.They will tell us they have to declare martial law untill they find them. If they do all of this it won't matter what the people know because the frist thing they will do is take everyones guns.

posted on Apr, 2 2007 @ 09:13 AM
well seen as we had the episode of the lone gunman showing us what's going to happen 911 , and you have just described what's happening on 24

then you my friend are probably right.

I'm going to have such a party when bush goes, i know his successor wont be much better but good god i will be happy.

posted on Apr, 5 2007 @ 10:39 PM
My favorite 9/11 theory yet.

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