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Earth Rotation and Weather Changes = cause and effect!?

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posted on Mar, 28 2007 @ 05:06 PM
4,5 bill. years ago Earth day/night were much shorter: 6.5 hours.
Equator was quite bulgy due to fast rotation -'3600 more miles of surface around the young planet's equatorial zone' water was pushed to equator.

Angular momentum was much faster- we had strong centrifugal force.

Earth is reshaping itself constantly. One day our Earth will be a beautiful sphere, when it's rotation slows more and more.

Equatorial elongated shape (oblate) is slowly shrinking:'the immense resulting pressure within the mantle causes it to gradually ooze upward creating the Atlantic and Pacific ridges. ("The Ring of Fire")'. Results: erthquackes, volcanos, storms, winds...

'After 3.5 billion years the planet's rotation had slowed to 20.11 hours per day/night cycle and at a 100,000,000 years ago its rotation period had slowed to 23.6 hours, not that much different than the present rate. Within these years a tremendous amount of geophysical activity had taken place as the earth's equatorial region had slowly disappeared, becoming ever more rounder until today the 3600 mile bulge had shrunk to a measely 27 miles."

Our day/night is 24 hours =86.400 sec. Presently it is 86. 400, 002 sec.

If earth is rounding itself up = the warm waters masses from tropical sea are slowly going to move upward. Conveyer belt (sea currents) are going to change. *(but in this scenario - I think that the climate is going to change to colder were it was warm and vice versa ).

Also the Moon is receding from Earth at about 3.8 cm per year.

Astronomers are also saying that there are changes in whole solar system - that ice cups are melting down on all the Planets *( I am not to say that I am surprise - because , now it's seems that everywhere is water...and water is 'life'...but that's another subject)

I am not going to say that we must not stop behaving the way we do, coz we are really polluting our oceans, rivers, air, and cutting the 'lungs' of planet ( forest) on top of bad air we bread......

but maybe change is destine to come.

Don't know folks - what do you think?

Donald L. Hamilton, author of “The MIND of Mankind”


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