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9/11 questions that no body asked

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posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 11:48 PM
I am going to start by stating that I was a Marine for 8 years, and am proud to be an american. I believe in the IDEAS of america, but not the way the government perverts those ideas. Now the questions I ask that were not asked. How could they not answer for letting 9/11 happen? From being in the military I know that D.C. and any major city has a no fly zone aproximately any airliners going below 2 miles over a major city, (exception being permission to land in local airports). D.C. has a no fly zone of approximately 2 miles in all directions, and a ceiling of no lower then 2 miles. Now you have Norfolk, Varginia right down the block that has F- 18 fighter jets. They have a crew on stand by 24 7 incase of ANY attack on the north eastern sea board. They can reach anywhere from New York, to North Carolina within around 5 minutes. Why weren't they alerted when a plane came within the no fly zone, and didn't respond to air officials? No one questioned this. Why? If anyone is interested in anything else I have to say, please respond. I have more info.

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 11:51 PM
The obvious answer is that it takes hours to arm a fighter jet! (just kidding, I completely agree with you and hope some people can legitimately answer your question

posted on Mar, 28 2007 @ 12:14 AM
The USAF has always been responsible for the air defense of the United States, since its inception (the USAF, not the US). There was a presidential draw down of the alert force since the 1990s, since it was deemed no longer necessary to have an alert force of several hundred aircraft. It DOES take several hours to arm aircraft. There have been many experts, such as the NCOIC of Armaments at Andrews AFB, and the Wing Commander that have said how long it takes. Weapons aren't stored right next to the aircraft, ready to be loaded on them.

As for the no fly zone, Washington has a restricted zone around National, and a no fly zone around the White House, but most cities do NOT have an actual no fly zone around them. Otherwise you wouldn't see small aircraft flying and helicopters flying over the cities constantly like you do.

The airspace around cities is CONTROLLED airspace, which is vastly different than PROHIBITED airspace. As far as altitude restrictions, the minimum altitude is 500 feet higher than the tallest building in the city.

As for the New York to North Carolina in around 5 minutes, yeah right. If you were flying at Mach 3 maybe. The F-15s from Otis took 30 minutes the way they were routed, but even if they had flown a direct course it would have taken them 15 minutes to reach New York. And they were coming from Cape Cod.

[edit on 3/28/2007 by Zaphod58]

posted on Mar, 28 2007 @ 12:39 AM
true patriot

Well I know that Payne Stewarts plane was intercepted, I believe within the hour or half, so one could wonder what was different on 9/11.

If it was just some foreign elements hijacking planes doesn't it seem like they were confident that the planes wouldn't be shot down?

That is the one disturbing thought in all of this. Think about it. Two of the planes left from Logan in Boston.

Why wouldn't they leave from a closer destination? Say from JFK? Wouldn't the hijackers think that leaving from LOGAN would make them a target?

Wouldn't they think that the Air defense of the United States is second to none?

I am just trying to enter their mind for a moment,
If it truly was as the official story says it was, I would think that the people responsible would leave from the closest destination points possible.

This is why this is so disturbing--

It is so disturbing because one could get the definite impression that whomever was behind this, KNEW there would be NO response.

[edit on 28-3-2007 by talisman]

posted on Mar, 28 2007 @ 12:51 AM
There is a HUGE difference between Payne Stewart's plane, and the planes on 9/11. The Learjet that Payne Stewart was on was flying a straight and level course, with the transponder on, and was being tracked by radar the entire time. The planes that intercepted it were ALREADY airborne, and were unarmed. They were asked to identify the plane and attempt to make radio or visual contact with the pilots. And it STILL took them awhile to find the plane.

At 9:33 EDT there was no response from the plane. At 9:52 CDT an F-16 out of Eglin AFB Florida was taken to 8nm, and made the intercept at 9:54 CDT. The controllers knew EXACTLY where the Learjet was at all times, and had been trying to communicate with it. On 9/11 there were periods where radar lost the planes, among other issues.

As for the air defenses being second to none, you couldn't be more wrong. There were TWENTY ONE fighters defending the United States that morning. Since the late 1990s, we went from over 100, to anywhere from 17-21.

[edit on 3/28/2007 by Zaphod58]

posted on Mar, 28 2007 @ 01:02 AM
Thats a very good question Talisman,wonder why the highjackers did choose Boston?


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