I hadn't heard anything about this game. But its coming. TBA 07 guys. It's scheduled for 360 and ITS ONLINE COMPATIBLE. Its going to have
deathmatches, survival. Boy oh boy. Whos as excited as me???
Nope, plus its a big suprised that the one ps exclusive is now a 360 exclusive. This has been a trend lately, DMC is going to 360 and kojimas talking
about putting mgs on 360. Rumors are Final Fantasy is going to be going multiplatform also.
I would. I have played every next gen system quite a bit and my favorite so far is the 360. However this could be due to the fact that it has the
kinds of games that I like. I'm a shooter kinda guy. IM amped for mass effect, endwar, halo 3, ac, dmc. All these kinds of awesome things are what
make it above and beyond.
Yeah, I also d/led the demo. It is freaking amazing. It's not like the old ones where its like aircraft and lines. This one has vapor trails, and
explosions everywhere, and constant aircraft going everywhere. It really looks amazing.