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New UFO During collapse I think its a must watch.

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posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 03:53 PM

Originally posted by tombangelta
OK to the best of my knowledge the video i am posting is showing exactly what the video in the OP shows , just from a different angle. It clearly shows the 2 birds flying away from the dust cloud. (birds don't like huge dust clouds )

And you are telling me the objects in the clip below are in fact air craft / UFO's

Thank you for your opinion on the video. It is very much appreciated. I am not an expert on which clouds appeal or don't appeal to birds. I prefer rain clouds myself. I believe that to predicate your argument on which class of clouds birds prefer is somewhat presumptuous on your part.

And I am not convinced that the video you are showing is of the same time frame of the original video.

And as to your somewhat abusive and threatening language, "Are you telling me....?" In fact I was not telling you anything as I hadn't seen your video before your post.

In fact, in your clip, I don't know what the objects are but I leave room that they could be UFO's or some kind of aircraft even though I am not convinced that your video time frame is the same time frame as the original video.

I am sure you didn't mean to offend me so 'no offense taken' but maybe you could soften your tone just a little itty bitty tiny bit. Thanks.

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 04:03 PM
I never intended to offend you good sir , I just don't think that UFOs and 9/11 belong in the same thread.

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 05:01 PM
Still no one seem to pay attention to the Video in question.
Those stuff are EVERYWHERE in the building.
The whole building look like is reflecting the light differently once the objects depart.
Watch the whole building it will change form once they depart.
Concentrate first where I circled the picture but later watch the whole building.

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 05:19 PM
Why can't it be a piece of the tower that blew off when it exploded, looks to big to me to be a bird and I agree with toby, birds would be long gone.

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 05:42 PM
Mr. Lear brings up an excellent point. I don't think they are birds at all either. I believe that these are vehicles that are either black ops type or as I said before a type of vehicle that allows people from the future to explore historical events in time. There I said it. A time traveling machine with future man at the controls for paying future humans who have evolved so far advanced that they probably look like greys. Discuss.

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 05:49 PM

i call this the piacenza 911 time line.

1) the government projects holographic 737's onto the backdrop of the NY skyline. Fooling millions of people.

2) Works in conjunction with the worlds media to implant CGI planes onto footage of the WTC.

3) fires laser beams from space along with nuclear bombs inside the WTC's demolishing the WTC's.

4) A laser beam is also fired at WTC7

6) As the towers collapse UFO's in the shape of birds shoot from neighbouring buildings , changing the reflective properties of said structure.

[edit on 27-3-2007 by tombangelta]

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 05:59 PM

Mr. Lear brings up an excellent point. I don't think they are birds at all either. I believe that these are vehicles that are either black ops type or as I said before a type of vehicle that allows people from the future to explore historical events in time. There I said it. A time traveling machine with future man at the controls for paying future humans who have evolved so far advanced that they probably look like greys. Discuss.

911 is a serious issue and you gentlemen are making a debarkle of the whole 9/11 Discussion Forum.

this should be in the skunk works

[edit on 27-3-2007 by tombangelta]

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 06:13 PM
Hey Tombangelta I really wish someone could tell me this is a fake video because that building jut freaked me out.
Never gave to many thought about holo stuff till I focused on all of those video.
But nothing has freaked me out as this video.
If this footage is real I would have a hard time in understanding the basic of reality.
I am begging someone to jut show me its a doctored video because if it is not we would have morphing and invisibilities technologies and other stuff unexplainable.
I rather go back and fall asleep than rethinking about the reality I built in the last 30 yrs of my life.
Those are not birds of that I am sure.
Is it a doctored video?
That is my question nothing else.

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 06:33 PM
Great, an easy one. Two birds close to the camera. Do a frame by frame and you can even see the wings flapping. Those birds were getting the heck out of there just like everyone else. Smart birds

My first thought was flying debris until I took a close look at it. Why would anyone think it was a UFO? Very odd logic to say the least.

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 06:56 PM
I gotta tell ya....i've checked out this video over and over and I just don't see the birds at all. In fact, it really looks like a UFO to me or some kind of time traveling future craft from future man. I think I will stick to my original assessment on this and just agree to disagree with you gentlemen.

[edit on 27-3-2007 by carnival_of_souls2047]

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 07:19 PM

Originally posted by carnival_of_souls2047
In fact, it really looks like a UFO to me or some kind of time traveling future craft from future man. I think I will stick to my original assessment on this and just agree to disagree with you gentlemen.

[edit on 27-3-2007 by carnival_of_souls2047]

lol how can you say it looks like a "travelling future craft from future man"
what's the default specs for a future man's travelling craft these days.

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 08:00 PM
I too don't see this as birds. It casts too big of a shadow on the smoke and on the building to the right of where it originates, and this same shadow follows it all the way through. As for were the changes in the building that you argue, I do notice them, it's like three oval, sort of, shapes side by side that are lighter than the building and when this object advances, you can see that the building's color goes back to it's own color. Then again I see that same color change on the building that is to the right as well, were that shadow is cast.

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 08:30 PM
I see it a well in the other building there is one more video with something like that around will try to provide it later.
Tnx God someone is seeing it

posted on Mar, 27 2007 @ 09:35 PM
Still look like a pair of birds to me, since the first video on the first post shows the sun on the other side and there can be no shadow on the supposed UFO. Look at the buildings' shades.

posted on Mar, 28 2007 @ 09:06 AM
Best. Thread. Ever.

posted on Apr, 13 2007 @ 07:16 AM
I've re-uploaded this to youtube with better sound quality:

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