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Molten Steal like lava powerful firefighter testimony.

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posted on Mar, 26 2007 @ 05:59 PM
What really got me is their expression of shock and awe
Jut their face tell more than their own word.

posted on Mar, 26 2007 @ 06:15 PM
i wish i knew the loose change people cause everyone of these things ive seen on here are so good and like so many people i know still yell about towel heads everyday and im trying to do my part to help them out but i need stuff like this and the pictures from another topic to show that it is impossible that planes simply crashed into the towers

posted on Mar, 26 2007 @ 06:39 PM
This would probably not be included because they look like liars
As usual when testimonies are from good honest citizens the truth seems undeniable. ( the Shanksville major for one)
When its a witness about the event to push the official story they are in many times obvious liars and that arises the question on why would they lie since its such an obvious situation.
By the way I would like to see some witnesses of the many hundreds that saw the second plane hit the building.
As weird as it may sound I swear I can't seem to find any of them, not one (only the obvious planted one: the guy that explained in real time why the tower felt with incredible knowledge).


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