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Are These 9/11 Videos Real or Fake? What Do Your Eyes Say?

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posted on Mar, 28 2007 @ 02:53 PM

Originally posted by piacenza
This plane exiting from the building does not look like it is disintegrating at all.
The nose gets out of the building unscratched.

Exactly!!!! Fake, fake, fake, tra la la.

We have our proof...

Flag, flag, flag this thread. Comments needed!

posted on Mar, 28 2007 @ 03:20 PM

The planes seen BY THE TV VIEWERS were Computer Generated Images (CGI,) as Nico Haupt has been declaring for years, if they were hiding errors of a holographic image covering a missile, they failed blatantly, as they caused more errors, errors that when seen (like this one,) can make any attentive viewer to think that there were NO PLANES AT ALL HITTING THE TARGETS!

Video: Wescam CGI Plane

The debunk brigade has work to do.

posted on Mar, 28 2007 @ 03:31 PM
i read what people say in these 911 threads about
cgi and holograms . it doesn't make me believe your delusions
but it makes me see how scary people get when they
want so badly to believe in something crazy .just m2c .

posted on Mar, 28 2007 @ 03:38 PM
Yes General Sir (Brigade...general...nudge nudge wink wink).

You cannot deny that there is footage where the second plane is not seen hitting the WTC, there are more than two "live" feeds showing that. If these are fakes, they are pretty good.

How does the General explain that?

Plus you see on the official stream the NOSE coming out of the other side... INTACT.

Magic nose theory?

posted on Mar, 28 2007 @ 03:43 PM
Just because you're saying it's the nose, doesn't mean that it IS the nose. It APPEARS to be the nose but that doesn't mean that it IS, just that you THINK it is.

posted on Mar, 28 2007 @ 03:46 PM
Just to put this out there. Has anyone thought that maybe what looks like the nose could actually be some kind of office equipment that was "pushed" out the building by the plane?

posted on Mar, 28 2007 @ 04:04 PM
Honestly, I think this is disinformation meant to muddy the waters even more. If you remember, the French dudes that caught the first plane going into the building showed the same kind of entrance of that plane going into the building. How can it be?


[edit on 28-3-2007 by Dr Love]

posted on Mar, 28 2007 @ 04:13 PM
Still images, were they taken from the live feed?

On the Fox 5 feed radio voice says just after the impact: "Very nice Chopper 5, anybody on?" Very nice what? Deception?

NBC 4 feed does not show a plane. Must be a fake feed then, or else the other feeds are fake. German feed does not show a plane (first seconds second video) while the insert does show a plane.

So NBC 4 chopper footage faked or not? Say no and there is a conspiracy.

Why did some reporters watching IRL not see a plane approaching and impacting but just an explosion (like dozens of witnesses down below).

Ofcourse there were eyewitnesses that saw the second plane go in. More every day.

[edit on 28-3-2007 by Truth4hire]

posted on Mar, 28 2007 @ 04:22 PM
There is a thread already discussing this issue.

Why do we have another one?

posted on Mar, 28 2007 @ 04:25 PM

Originally posted by Truth4hire
On the Fox 5 feed radio voice says just after the impact: "Very nice Chopper 5, anybody on?" Very nice what? Deception?

If I was writing a script and I needed an insane character who nobody took seriously, I would totally have him say that exact line.

CTers: stick to the physics of the's your only conspiratorial foothold. The "media" angle is so absurd it makes me want to vomit due to furious laughter.

posted on Mar, 28 2007 @ 04:30 PM

Originally posted by Truth4hire
Still images, were they taken from the live feed?

On the Fox 5 feed radio voice says just after the impact: "Very nice Chopper 5, anybody on?" Very nice what? Deception?

NBC 4 feed does not show a plane. Must be a fake feed then, or else the other feeds are fake. German feed does not show a plane (first seconds second video) while the insert does show a plane.

So NBC 4 chopper footage faked or not? Say no and there is a conspiracy.

Why did some reporters watching IRL not see a plane approaching and impacting but just an explosion (like dozens of witnesses down below).

Ofcourse there were eyewitnesses that saw the second plane go in. More every day.

[edit on 28-3-2007 by Truth4hire]

There were still photos taken by people in Central Park, in other buildings nearby, and several other places. They captured UA175 just before impact with the tower. All faked? All the eyewitnesses that said they saw a plane, gov't agents?

posted on Mar, 28 2007 @ 06:13 PM
It would be nice if the Truth movement could divide, I know that isn't always a good thing but in order for it to survive and gain credibility it needs to divide itself or at least put out a written form of the *CORE* things the movement agrees to. A creed of sorts. Or at least certain things that most feel would need more evidence.

This CGI thing is totally uncalled for. As I have mentioned previous, You will notice when people post this stuff they usually give you very Poor video quality.

Just ask yourself that question. If these people were truly serious, don't you think they would put forth good quality clips to prove their case?

Case in point, the Chopper video where people were saying..."THERE IS NO PLANE"!! Clearly has a plane in the top right, it is so compressed you can't see it well.

Its this type of stuff that is meant to bog the search for truth down and make it look ridiculous to the rest of the world.

[edit on 28-3-2007 by talisman]

posted on Mar, 29 2007 @ 04:17 PM
I'm not try to insight conflict or age discrimination here, but can i ask the believers that holograms, and or world media video tampering was responsible for the images of planes a question

How old are you guys.

I ask this because i cant see how anybody over the age of 15 could even entertain such ridicules theories

Now i understand ATS is for all ages but please answer truthfully.


[edit on 29-3-2007 by tombangelta]

posted on Mar, 30 2007 @ 10:20 AM
Although it took a couple days for them to start, I'm glad so many responded.

I'll address a few issues raised...

*The video link of a fighter jet disintegrating on impact with a concrete wall in not comparable to 9/11 for the following reasons:

1. The South Tower videos don't show the "plane" disintegrating. Instead, the "plane" glides smoothly into the building. (And if a 767 disintegrated it most certainly would have way more "dust" than the fighter jet!!)

2. The South Tower "plane" made a cartoon cutout of itself in the steel. (Especially the wings.) It's not possible for BOTH the plane and steel to have disintegrated. On the fighter jet video the concrete wall does not disintegrate.

*Is an aluminum airplane going to smoothly glide through these columns?

*Technology Review magazine detailed the TV Networks' ability to use TV-Fakery to alter world politics:

*Let's say you're in a car and driving toward a brick wall. How fast would you need to drive to smoothly glide through the wall like the "plane" on 9/11?

posted on Mar, 30 2007 @ 11:36 AM
Its difficult to sort out.

The first hit independent film maker video seems valid and has
been analyzed on rense and other web pages.

The hit side has a fire ball and also comes out the side wall.

It hardly looks like a plane yet plane parts were found but not
the same as there the supposed airliners. Nothing at the Bureau
of Transportation Statistics indicate the flights took place, or
passenger list to investigate or security cameras see any Arabs
at the airports.

The second hit taken while two women were commenting shows
something going behind the building they say is a helicopter.

That I would say is original but is the replays give a larger helicopter.

For videos that were not live, anything might be CGId in and of course
that what we hear from magic wall and missile and so on.

Then there is the explosions and demolition afterwards.

I am now putting links to all the conspiracies I think applicable:

The payoff for the 911 job other than using all the money the Illuminati
has on putting up more modern buildings would be the governments
of the world looking the other way on 'Chemtrails'.

The trails of plasma craft appear the latest innovation of the people
who gave us the Lunar Landing, Roswell, ETs, saucers over DC,
thwarted JFK, Forrestal, Eisenhower and Truman, Operation High
Jump and Operation Paper Clip.

Thats 2007 to 1945. Even more secrets around that time going back
to Tesla who knew about AC power which did exist in Europe.
Also known were aether craft principles which Tesla tried to patent
and once thwarted at that continued to patent various parts.

Let me know if it all come true some day.

First and second can we find out what those trails are and the whys
of 911 into one solid case.

posted on Mar, 30 2007 @ 11:39 AM
Don't look like planes and have parts that weren't from them?
Like what? They sure looked like planes, and those parts sure looked like plane parts to me.

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