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Unsconciently thinking about something that turns to happen

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posted on Mar, 25 2007 @ 11:33 PM
This always freaks me out when it happens. I'm supposing it has happened to some of you before, but let me explain.

Everytime i think about something in an unsconscient way, it turns out to happen. Let me give you an example:

Right now im thinking "It would be cool if Portugal could beat Serbia on Wednesday". But i'm conscient that i'm thinking about this. Conscient to the point of actually writing it.

Now, what happens to me a lot of times are like dreams that pass through my mind without me paying real attention to them. Instead of normal thoughts. Like, i'm walking down the street and i think of something, but i kind of ignore what i just thought about. It's like if i'm completely apart of what i just thought. Like if the thought itself is in my mind by mistake. And i only get conscient of them when what i just thought really happens.

Like "wow, i just thought about that 5 minutes ago".

Do you know when you are reading a book, and sometimes you just happen to be at the end of the page, but you started to think about something else while reading, and when you get to the end of the page you realize you paid no attention to what you've read in the last 2 minutes? Well, this is kind of similar.


Ofcourse that this could all be coincidences, if it wasnt for happening everytime i've this unconscient thoughts. It freaked me out so much that i started making an exercise already an year ago where i basically try to keep at a conscious level, ALL THE TIME. I try all my thoughts to be conscient... but the unconscient at dream level keep happening. I've NEVER had a dream that comes true. Only this unconscient thoughts that are somewhat at dream level, difference only being that im awake when they happen.

So, simple examples of the last days:

- My friend calls me to his home. On the road i've the thought that i'll get there and he wont be there, only his roommate with the girlfriend.

I get there and his roommate opens me the door saying he hasnt come home yet. Its only him and his girlfriend. The other friend calls a minute later saying he lost a bit more time then what he was expecting at the market where he went to buy booze.

Does this happens with regularity? No, never besides that day. Also, i didn't even knew his roommate had a girlfriend, i just imagined the situation and my mind automatically processed her has a girlfriend. She was also blond like in my mind film, and his roommate was using shorts, like i thought he would. Like i said, its unconscient. A thought that i dont question. I just unconsciently take it like a dogma. Because it's unconscient, im not really looking for the details in this mind films when i have them, otherwise they would be conscient. So, after having them, and after the situation happen, the major details hit me. I obviously couldnt memorize a face from this unconscient thoughts, but things like the color of a hair can be easy. It freaks me out!


- I had a thought about a girl and her laugh at school and me glancing her. That's all of it. Again, i didnt notice about this unsconscient level until at school i hear the EXACT same laugh, at which point i turn my face fast to the person who laughed that way(i was freaked out!), and there was this girl with two friends and she glances for an instant before keeping her way. She was walking, i was sitted down.

When i say exact same laugh, i mean totally. It kind of made a distinct eco in the room. It was totaly alike. That's why i turned around so fast, and the exact same film was passing, tho now in my eyes instead of in my mind.

- It also happens with very small things. And huge ones. Things like me wanting to smoke weed(an unsconcient thought) and 5 minutes later my friend reaches home with a piece of weed. And tho both we smoke, we rarely smoke weed. We have been here for almost an year, and he only bought it one other time. So it freaks out to think about that and happening just minutes later.

posted on Mar, 25 2007 @ 11:45 PM
(cont) THo this kind of thoughts are different. They are more simple. They dont involve images or even sounds like in the example above. They are simple thoughts with no image. This are the ones that happen all the time. THose with sound and image are much more rare. I'm actually posting this today because last week happened to me one with image and other with image and distinct sound(those 2 i told you about just above)

This simple ones happen all the time, but sometimes involve large events. Like the terrorist attacks in Spain. I was just thinking about how Spain was about to have elections and a terrorist attack could change the outcome. I also had a simple image of a train destroyed. I was coming from school. Then i turn on the TV and there's nothing else on TV besides the terrorist attack.

Do you imagine how much this freaked me out?! A lot!

Tho the event is larger, the level of dream in itself ends up being no larger then one other that involves a simple event where i think about it and have a simple image of it...

The biggest kind that ever happened to me was being on the car coming from school( my mother driving, not me
), and thinking how i've never seen anyone death for real, besides pics and tv... 2 curves after this i see an old man lied down on the sidewalk with 2 common man close to him, one on his cellphone and one paramedic close to the body, with an ambulance 3 meters away from them. It was in the middle of the street, my mother was passing at 20 to 30km, i could see the body, the face was facing the motorway...

I had nightmares due to this.

Anyway, any answers?

posted on Mar, 25 2007 @ 11:58 PM
Well, all I can say is that I have the same exact ability, and I call it ability because its a gift, so dont consider it a bad thing. But, this has been happened to me recently a lot. It started about a month ago when I went on a school convention to Nashville. I was looking at this couple in the middle of the hallway in the hotel and had a vision of the guy getting on one knee proposing. Sure enough, he did it less than 1 minute later. Ever since then, when I actually realized it happen...its been happening at least on a daily basis.

Only problem I find with it is, I never know what I think is going to come true. I can think about something conciously or let thoughts fly through and pay them no attention, but either way it'll happen. But whenever I say "I bet this is going to happen", it doesnt, similar to your experience.

Worried about it since I am a 20 year old college student and cant focus on much else besides school, I called up my friend, or really a family friend. She's into the whole voodoo , psychic, spiritual world and she told me her advice on it. She told me that its a gift and that I need to accept it and start writing whatever happens down. She told me that the more you acknowledge it, the more you learn to use it and control it (because right now I have no control).

In the past week, I havent gotten anything or havent seen anything that happened but its happens to randomly, I never know when its coming. So I guess my advice both of us is to just accept it and use it. I just wish I could control it to where I could actually see more into the future, as far as premonitions. I went from being able to see from one minute to a day ahead, but I can never tell if Im just guessing at something or if it really happened.

Hopefully this has clarified something for you but definitely keep in touch. Two heads are better than one when it comes to anything.


posted on Mar, 26 2007 @ 12:11 AM
I know exactly what you're talking about. This happens to me often, but it's never anything big. A couple of the experiences you described are quite freaky, nothing like that has ever happened to me, just very small minuscule things. Sometimes right after the occurrence of one of these such events, I ask myself why the heck did I know about this beforehand? There is no way I could have known this, unless I have seen it before. And of course, that leads to more questions, and I never come up with an answer.

posted on Mar, 26 2007 @ 12:12 AM
Yeah, thx for the reply, it seems a lot like what happens to me. I remember this stuff happening since i was 11 or 12 years old. I can't have control over it, because like i said, when i try to i'm basically trying to get conscient of everything. But this uncoscient stuff still pops up like if i cant stop them.

It's really annoying.

EDIT: oh, and btw, i'm not really into all this paranormal stuff. I usually laugh at most stuff and it blows me how some people can be fooled by the simplest hoax, or on how some stories told here seem like totally made up by some one who simply needs attention...

So im kind of sceptic in relation to most stuff :\.

[edit on 26-3-2007 by NinterX]

posted on Mar, 26 2007 @ 12:32 AM
I kind of have similar experiences. Every once in a while I'll have a dream, about something (never anything important) Just a 10 sec clip if you will about me walking through the store seeing a particular item or driving past a specific house that ive never seen before. And at some point later it will happen. At first when i was young just thought it was deja vu and that i really didnt think dream of the situation before hand. But then I started to keep track of my realistic dreams. I think its es strange b/c it is never about anything of significance. I dont really tell people b/c it not like i can prove it... I gues thats why i believe that there might be real psychics in this world but at the same time I am real skeptical and wouldnt trust the ones who try to predict your future for money and suchAnyways.. im kinda rambling ..Reading your post made me think of my situation

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