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America Supports You, No matter what the liberal media says

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posted on Mar, 25 2007 @ 01:05 AM
I didn't know if this was better suited in abovepolitics, but since I can't view that forum because the Army filters block it as "SEX", I hope it can stay here.

AFN commercials. It's hard to explain to people who have never seen them. US military forces overseas get donated entertainment and news shows. The only condition being that, 'commercials' can't advertise anything. So if you watch a normal tv show overseas, instead of commercials that sell things, in it's place, the military shows history bits, bicycle safety tips, any innocuous tips to fill the dead air. Some of the spots are so cheesy that it's a bit on an 'in joke' among people who have to see these things.

Imagine if you are in Iraq, Germany, Korea, or wherever. Watching last seasons 'Lost' episodes, and instead of regular commercials you see commercials about George Washington, about how to be polite to your roommate, how great it is to re-enlist, and how to apply for military health care for your family.

Well, I'm not in the military anymore. I'm a civilian, but work for a private company whose customer is the military. Unfortunately, I still have to live the military life in regard to television and internet (now I'm on dial-up!)

Here is what got me so upset. I'll post the e-mail I sent to my two senators and one representative as well as AFN as well.

The Honorable ****,
I served six years in the Army, on my last tour I was in Iraq when Baghdad fell. I continue to serve my country as a civilian contractor supporting different US military branches in various overseas posts. My current post is at USAKA (United States Army Kwajalein Atoll) located on the Marshall Islands.

As I am sure that you are aware, television on overseas military bases are provided by American Forces Network (AFN) a branch of the American Forces Radio and Television Service (AFRTS). Entertainment and news programs do not air commercials where normal commercials would appear in the US. In the commercial's place are, "... public service announcements, educational features (as in presenting an American state capital), and localized messages from senior leadership in place of normal commercials. (Wikipedia,

One of the more popular public service announcements is a series called "America Supports You", whose homepage is The PSA features Americans throughout the country, who volunteer to send a positive message of support to the military overseas, via a video message. It is a wonderful idea, I think it is very important that overseas military see these images of support, and I thank AFN for broadcasting them.

The latest series of "America Supports You" PSA concerns me greatly. It features a gentleman who says that: America Supports You, and I quote, "No matter what the liberal media says".

In my opinion, the "liberal media" has always supported me and my fellow soldiers, even when I was one of the first units in Iraq. It's the "conservative media" that does a disservice to soldiers in uniform, especially in Iraq. I'm sure that some may disagree with me, just as I disagree with commenter about the "liberal media". Do these opinions really have a place on AFN? By airing these opinions it gives the appearance that AFN is endorsing one side of Americans opinions over another. I don't think that should be the place of AFN. What's next? Will an "America Supports You" commercial have a comment by someone who says, "We support you, and will bring you home when Hillary is elected"? I don't want my tax dollars going to pitting Americans against one another, and I don't want my fellow soldiers in Iraq to see such divided support among Americans, with the endorsement of AFN. If you are going to air opinions on the "America Supports You" spots you may very well tell the truth, and say that the 'liberal media' is the most patriotic best friend soldiers have. If that seems inappropriate, then a counter message supported by AFN is just as inappropriate.


I just can't believe such blatant political pandering passed through what you would imagine would be strict filters. This isn't an 'us against them' issue. Messages of support for the troops, provided by tax dollars should be: We love you. Keep up the good work.We support you. etc.

As Americans we all have a universal message to our troops. We support you. Is the mission right or wrong? Who cares? We support your dedication and sacrifice to your country. Political ideology should be left out of it.

AFN commercials shouldn't be "Vote for Obama!" or "Vote for Fred Thompson!"

Currently, that is where your tax dollars are going to.

posted on Mar, 31 2007 @ 04:07 AM
I know this topic is tearing the ATS community apart, so luckily I received a reply:

**** -
AFN has an obligation to offer our audience with a representation of the same choices and viewpoints they have available when they're stateside. Be it liberal or conservative, we do our best to present both sides of the political spectrum. To do anything else would be to censor our content, and that we cannot do.
Thanks for your service and thanks for your interest in AFN.
- ****
AFN Affiliate Relations

Which is totally wrong according to the standards of AFN. What the AFN guy is talking about is airing Kieth Olbermann and Bill O'Reilly on AFN News. That's fair and balanced, and is great. What I am talking about is Public Service Announcements promoting a polital view. Politics should be left out of them.

Unless I see a "America Supports You" commercial where someone says what most of the US thinks, "America Supports You. Hang in there, the Democrats are trying to save you, and hold the leaders that created this mess accountable" or a bicycle safety message that shows how mandatory helmet rules are anti-Libertarian, the AFN representative is just tap-dancing around a mistake.

[edit on 31-3-2007 by curme]

posted on Apr, 14 2007 @ 02:35 AM
I know how you feal even though alot of people wouldnt understand.

Glad to see someone kept supporting the military after service was up.


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